Nutrition affects children's growth and development?

Nutrition affects children's growth and development?

Nutrition has a very important role to support the growth and development of children, so it is very important for mothers to provide their little ones with the nutritional intake they need so that they can grow into healthy and smart children.
Which parent does not want their child to grow healthy and tall ideally? Therefore, parents should monitor all stages of their child's growth. Child growth is the change in body size and shape. Measurements of height, weight, and head circumference are taken to measure this growth.
What is the best way to ensure your child's growth is going well? One way is to provide the right nutritional intake. What are the foods that children should eat when they are in their growing years?

What is Nutrition
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the definition of nutrition is the content of nutrients that a person gets from food and beverage sources that are useful for the health and development of body cells. Good nutrition means that the body gets the right intake of healthy foods in the right combination.
What is Balanced Nutrition
Do you know what balanced nutrition is? Daily meals that contain nutrients in amounts and types that are appropriate for the body's needs are called balanced nutrition.
Pay attention to the principles of food diversity, physical activity, clean living behavior, and regular weight monitoring to ensure that you have a healthy weight.
The Little One should consume various food groups to obtain balanced nutrition. What is it? Various types of nutrients, such as protein, fat, fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins, and essential minerals, should be present in an ideal diet.
Here are some of the benefits of these nutrients for child growth:

1.The Specialty of Calcium
Don't forget that an important nutrient for child growth is calcium. Mothers should provide adequate calcium intake to keep their children growing tall. Calcium is essential for the growth of bones and teeth, as well as for strengthening muscles and bones.

2.Various Vitamins
Vitamins are no less important than calcium. Vitamins A, B, C, D, and E are needed during the process of child growth and development. If you want your child to grow taller, make sure their vitamin D needs are fulfilled. This is because vitamin D can help the absorption of calcium needed for bone growth. Well, vitamin D is widely contained in milk and processed fish products, spinach, soy beans, and eggs.

Iron is not only a cure for anemia, but also an important part of essential nutrients for child growth. To support a child's growth, this nutrient is essential. Iron is needed by red blood cells to transport oxygen to the important organs of the child's body, including the brain.
4.Advantages of Protein
Protein has many benefits for child growth, protein is a nutrient that the body needs to form cells and tissues, produce hormones, and strengthen bones and muscles.
5. Enhance Children's Nutrition with Milk
In addition to a nutritionally balanced diet, there's nothing wrong with supplementing your child's daily nutrition with milk. In fact, milk can indeed help raise children's bodies. Because milk contains various nutrients important for child growth. Starting from protein, magnesium, zinc, fat, and various other important minerals.

This is the definition of nutrition and the types that you should know. Make sure you and your family get the necessary nutrients every day. Want to know more about children's growth period? Or have complaints related to child growth and development, you can consult further with a pediatrician. Hopefully it will be useful.


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