Wrist Pain De Quervain Syndrome Hermina Bogor

Wrist Pain De Quervain Syndrome Hermina Bogor

One of the pain cases that comes to Hermina Bogor Pain Management Service is De Quervain Syndrome or De Quervain Tenosynovitis. This syndrome is a condition of pain or sciatica that often occurs in the wrist, not only pain this condition also causes swelling at the base of the thumb. This syndrome is caused by pinching of one or both tendons that function to move the thumb. Tendons themselves are rope-like structures used by muscles to move the limbs by pulling on the bones.


This is usually exacerbated when moving the thumb or wrist, such as when turning the wrist, pinching, and clenching or grasping something.


  • Symptoms of de quervain's syndrome include:
  • Pain with swelling at the base of the thumb
  • Stiffness or difficulty moving the thumb or wrist
  • Pain extending to the tip of the thumb and upper arm
  • Feeling stuck/stuck when moving the thumb



The exact cause of de Quervain's syndrome is unknown, but according to research by Lee et al. (2017), anatomical variations in the tendon and surrounding structures influence the predisposition to this condition. Such factors include the presence of a partition between the APL and EPB tendons, as well as separate compartments within the first compartment (sub-compartments). Activities that involve repetitive use of the thumb or wrist, such as gardening, racquet sports, playing with gadgets, and holding a baby, can aggravate the symptoms. Several studies by Beleckas et al. (2018) and Kim et al. (2017) suggest that besides anatomical factors, other factors such as anxiety, depression, and genetic predisposition also play a role in this condition. Other causes include:


  • Injury around the wrist
  • Inflammation of the joints such as rheumatoid arthritis


Therefore hermina Bogor is ready to provide the best service. For the people of Bogor and outside Bogor who experience pain such as the signs of the above symptoms, you can immediately consult directly to the Hermina Bogor Pain Management Service. Pain services consist of outpatient services, actions, recovery rooms, to inpatient services.


1.  Suryani. 2028. De Quervain's Syndrome: Diagnosis and Management. accessed from https://cdkjournal.com/index.php/cdk/article/view/737

2. National Library of National. De Quervain's Disease: A Discourse on Etiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment. accessed from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10208847/

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