Friends of Hermina,

you must have often heard the word “Knee Arthritis”. Inflammation of the knee joint can often be caused by many things such as aging/degenerative processes that occur, after previous trauma, knee inflammation, excessive activity (exercise or weightlifting and long-distance running), other systemic diseases that attack the joints such as (gout, infection, or crystal stones) to autoimmune diseases.
Usually the symptoms of knee arthritis can vary depending on the severity and degree of inflammation, such as: knee pain that is exacerbated by activity (going up and down stairs and changing positions from sitting to standing), the appearance of a scraping sound when changing the position of the knee to bend to a straight line, swelling in the knee joint, stiffness of the knee joint, limited joint motion or redness and a feeling of warmth in the knee joint. This can be said to be very disturbing, especially in active populations.
If you experience knee joint pain, you still have to find the cause of the knee pain by consulting an orthopedic surgeon, because without proper diagnosis and treatment, joint pain can get worse. In addition, for people with knee joint pain, you should do some light physical activities that don't put too much stress on the knee joint. This physical activity is important to do especially to maintain body fitness and strengthen the structure and function of the muscles in the thigh which is an important structure supporting the knee joint so that it can help relieve knee pain.
So that Hermina Friends don't choose the wrong type of exercise that is recommended for knee joint pain, the following are safe sports for those who have complaints of knee joint pain, including:

1. Casual walk
    Casual walking is a type of exercise that is quite recommended for sufferers of knee pain due to joint inflammation. Because this type of exercise can help relieve stiffness in the knee joints and serves to strengthen the muscles in the thighs. However, leisurely walking is recommended      to be done on a flat road so that it does not become an excessive burden on the knees when walking on an uphill road. At first it might hurt when you do a leisurely walk routinely, but over time as the thigh muscles strengthen, the pain and stiffness of the knee will decrease.
2. Swim
    This type of aerobic exercise is a safe physical activity for sufferers of knee pain, because this type of exercise does not result in a focus on the knees. In general, because this type of exercise is done in water, it can help reduce body volume by up to 90% of body weight.
3. Static bike
    Static bicycles are a sport that is suitable for sufferers of knee joint pain, because static bicycles do not put excessive burden on the knees, on the other hand static bicycles can help strengthen the muscles around the knee joints. Apart from that, Hermina's friends can also increase           the intensity of the static bicycle exercise by providing resistance to the pedals.
4. Light weight training
    Light weight training here is meant to be exercise using weights by focusing on the thigh and lower leg areas. This is very necessary for people with arthritis, because strong joint-supporting muscle strength is the key to reducing knee pain due to arthritis. The recommended load varies      according to each person's physical abilities, but it is recommended to use a load below 5 kg.
5. Stretching / stretching
    Regular stretching can help to restore the function of knee motion caused by knee joint stiffness in people with arthritis.
6. Yoga / Pilates
    This type of exercise serves to improve body coordination and flexibility. Usually focuses on core body strength. Therefore this exercise can relieve pain in the joints.
     The following are some sports that are safe and can be done in patients with joint pain caused by knee inflammation.

So don't worry, Hermina Friends who have knee arthritis problems, can still do physical activities without worrying and do them consistently and be careful to avoid injury.
If there are problems and complaints that interfere with your activities, immediately consult an Orthopedic Specialist so that the causes and solutions can be found as well as therapies that can be carried out to deal with complaints from Friends of Hermina

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