ayah dan ibu

Keloid Prevention After Sectio Caesarea

Sectio Caesarea surgery is done if a mother is not able to give birth normally. Like any other surgical procedure, a cesarean section will leave a suture scar. Surgical scars can end up as scars that line up with the surgical wound, into small scars, large scars or keloids. A keloid is an overgrowth of healing tissue in a wound. Although it is difficult to prevent because it is associated with genetics / heredity, there are several things that are a concern in an effort to prevent it.

No need to worry, in this article dr. Adi Rahmawan, Sp.OG (Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology) will share easy tips that Friends of Hermina can do to prevent the appearance of keloids after caesarean section. Come on, see the complete information below!

1. Keeping Clean
For one week, the surgical wound is usually still covered with a waterproof plaster. So there is no need to worry that the wound will be exposed to water when bathing and become damp. Instead, Friends of Hermina are strongly advised to take a bath and maintain body hygiene. A clean and healthy body is the key to fast cesarean wound healing. Avoid opening and changing the plaster yourself. Let the doctor replace it according to the schedule of controls that have been set.

2. Eat Nutrient Rich Foods
There are a number of foods that can speed up wound healing, namely foods rich in protein such as nuts, chicken, eggs, milk, red meat, vegetables and fruit. Many myths circulate that the consumption of certain foods can make afternoons itch, such as when eating eggs and fish. Even though this is an assumption that has not been proven true, except that Sahabat Hermina is allergic to eggs and fish. It's a good idea to consult a doctor about what foods need to be increased in number during the healing period. Don't let the wrong assumption about 'food makes itchy' make the mother lack nutrition so that the healing of the surgical wound will take longer.

3. Consumption of Medicines According to Doctor's Recommendations
After surgery, the doctor will give you a number of drugs, from antibiotics to pain relievers. In addition to consuming nutritious food, make sure you continue to take medication as recommended. There is no need to be afraid about the side effects of the drug as long as it is given by a doctor. This is because the type and dosage of the drug must have been adjusted to the needs of the mother and safe for the baby. Consumption of drugs as recommended will make the mother recover faster. Inflammation is accompanied by antibiotics in certain conditions.

4. Routine Control of Post Sectio Caesarea
One week after the SC surgery, Friends of Hermina are usually asked to do the first check-up with the doctor. At this first check-up, the doctor will begin to remove the tape covering the wound. If there are no complications, the mother can still carry out daily activities, including bathing, although the incision may still be painful. The use of keloid prevention ointment/cream is given after the second phase of the wound is complete, approximately after 3 weeks. Antikeloid ointment in some patients can be given, but do not buy it yourself without a doctor's advice because the ointment can cause an allergic reaction in the form of itching in some people.

Friends of Hermina should also avoid activities that are too strenuous, lifting heavy objects, or certain movements that are at risk of scratching, irritating, or exacerbating the wound in the first six weeks after delivery. So, those are the tips to prevent the growth of keloids after sectio caesarea surgery. Easy, right? Hopefully this information is useful and good luck Hermina's friends!
