Prevention of Pneumonia in Children

Prevention of Pneumonia in Children

Pneumonia is an acute infection that attacks the lung tissue, pneumonia is also known as a wet lung. In this condition, the infection causes inflammation of the air sacs (alveoli) in one or both lungs. As a result, the alveoli are filled with fluid or pus, making it difficult for sufferers to breathe.
Pneumonia in children is a condition that needs to be watched out for. This disease can cause symptoms such as coughing, fever, and shortness of breath. If not treated quickly, pneumonia in children can cause more serious disorders and is even the cause of 15% of deaths in children

ISPA sub-directorate report 2018: Incidence (per 1000 children under five) in Indonesia nationally 3.55%

Friends of Ubaya can do Pneumonia Prevention with the following steps:

Fulfill child immunizations by giving them an effective pneumonia vaccine to reduce the risk of getting this disease, here are some immunizations that can be given:
2. Pneumococcal (PCV) Measles
4. Influenza

• Balanced nutritional intake

Give nutritious food to children every day to meet the body's nutrition. Every day the food and drink consumed by children must have a balanced nutrition. Balanced nutrition in food, consisting of carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and so on.

• Exclusive breastfeeding

Give your baby breast milk for at least the first 6 months. This is important to strengthen the child's natural resistance to disease. When they are 6 months and over, also meet the nutritional needs of children by giving them fruits, vegetables and other nutritious foods.

• Avoid exposure to cigarette smoke and air pollution

Cigarette smoke is the most common type of air pollution, not only in public places, but also in homes. If there are family members at home who smoke, the best way to prevent your little one from the dangers of secondhand smoke is to stop the habit or ask them to smoke outside the home. To minimize your little one's exposure to air pollution, limit the use of products such as mosquito coils, strong-smelling floor cleaners, or even room fresheners. . If you want to use it, use it in another room that is rarely occupied by your little one.

• Manage comorbidities

Treatment of comorbidities is usually carried out simultaneously or together with the treatment of the main disease. Because comorbidities involve several diseases at once, usually the patient is treated or the medical treatment involves several doctors.

• Apply a clean and healthy lifestyle

Familiarize your little one and other household members to adopt a clean life, such as washing hands with soap and running water. Also make sure you keep your house clean and process food cleanly.
Don't let pneumonia in children develop into a more serious condition. Therefore, if your child has symptoms that lead to pneumonia, it is advisable to immediately take him to the hospital to get treatment from a doctor.

Information related to pneumonia in children is expected to prevent the increase in the growth rate of pneumonia in Indonesia.
Always healthy greetings Ubaya friends

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