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Healthy Digestion for Children, Strong Immune System

Preparing for healthy digestion from this point on is the basic step to increase the child's immune system. Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract of children also have an impact on their growth. A healthy digestive tract not only functions to digest and absorb food, but also as a defense mechanism of the body.

Healthy Digestive Tract Includes:

1. Digestive Ability

2.Absorb food

3. Functional Motility

4. Immune Balance

5. Good microbiota

Good Microbiota Balance
What are probiotics?

Good bacteria which, when consumed in adequate amounts, provide benefits to the host

What are prebiotics?

Human indigestible food components that confer health benefits on the host related to the modulation of the microbiota.

Digestive tract disorders that often occur in children are diarrhea

Definition of Diarrhea:

If within 24 hours the bowel movements (defecation) are softer or more liquid than 3 x

Based on the cause, diarrhea is divided into 2, namely:
1. Dysentery Diarrhea

2. Non-dysentery diarrhea, which is often caused by the Rotavirus virus

Two Causes of Diarrhea:

a.Parasitic Bacteria

b. Amoeba

How does diarrhea caused by bacteria go?

Food contaminated with bacteria enters the gastrointestinal tract, reaches the small intestine, a process occurs that causes watery diarrhea. Then the bacteria reaches the large intestine, where the bacteria damage the walls of the large intestine, causing diarrhea that is slimy or bloody. Now the diarrhea is not so liquid, but it causes pain every time you want to have diarrhea.

How does diarrhea caused by Rotarvirus go?

Viruses that are ingested with food reach the small intestine, damaging the surface of the small intestine so that the ability to absorb food is disrupted as well as reduced production of carbohydrate enzymes or lactose, so lactose digestion is disrupted. As a result, lactose is converted into gas and acid, so that the stomach becomes bloated and the diarrhea is acidic which can cause blisters in the anal area. Here Diarrhea is LIQUID.

How Spread Germs Cause Diarrhea?

Spread through food or drink contaminated with feces of the patient.

Things that cause the spread of germs:

a. Not giving exclusive breastfeeding

Diarrhea is more severe than babies who are exclusively breastfed

b. Use of Milk Bottles

Unclean milk bottles cause milk to be contaminated with germs

c. Storing food at room temperature for a long time, the possibility of being contaminated with germs is greater

d. Not washing hands after defecating / urinating, or before preparing food

e. Not removing stool (baby stool) properly, or not properly

What to do if the child has DIARRHEA?

To prevent dehydration should be given fluids more often, fluids can be anything the child likes
Children must continue to be fed, in this case food that is easily accepted by children
If diarrhea continues, immediately take the child to the nearest doctor or hospital
Factors that increase susceptibility to DIARRHEA

1. Do not get breast milk until the child is 2 years old, breast milk contains antibodies against germs

2. Malnutrition, especially poor nutrition

3. Measles, children who suffer from measles are often accompanied by diarrhea, therefore measles vaccination is very important

4. Immunodeficiency, this can occur in severe infections such as measles and in people with HIV

Tips for Maintaining Children's Digestive Health

1. Adequate Nutrient Intake

2. Age-appropriate physical activity

3. Hygiene

4. Stimulation of Children's Daily Mood

5. Get enough rest 7-8 hours/day

6. Supplements Probiotics + Prebiotics If Children Have Difficulty Eating Fruits / Vegetables containing probiotics and if children are having digestive disorders

If your little one experiences symptoms of DIARRHEA, immediately consult a Pediatric Digestive Sub Specialist at Hermina Pasteur Hospital.

