penyakit paru, penyakit asma, sesaknafas

Asthma Sufferers Must Know The Following

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by respiratory symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and coughing. 
For some people, asthma can only be a minor disturbance to the body, however. For others, asthma can be a big problem that interferes with daily activities and can cause asthma attacks that can threaten life.
Asthma cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be controlled. Because asthma often changes over time, it is important for you to consult a doctor to track your signs and symptoms and adjust treatment as needed.


Asthma Risk Factors: 
1. Genetic 
2. Obesity 
3. Depression 
4. Allergens in the room (house dust mites, animal dander
5. Cigarette smoke
6. Air pollution 
7. Food (preservatives, flavorings[, food colorants]
8. Irritant (perfume)

Asthma Symptoms 
Asthma symptoms can be different for each person, they can occur rarely, or only occur at certain times, such as when exercising
The following are clinical symptoms of asthma: 
1. More than 1 symptom (wheezing, shortness of breath, cough and chest tightness)
2. Symptoms are worse at night or in the morning 
3. Symptoms are triggered by viral infections (flu), physical activity, weather changes, emotions and air pollution

Asthma Management Management 

  • Lifestyle modification (reducing weight, stress management)
  • Administering medication (needs further consultation with a pulmonary specialist)
    • Controller medication: given regularly, can reduce inflammation, control symptoms and reduce the risk of acute attacks 
    • Reliever medication: given during an attack/exacerbation
  • Avoid triggers (Allergens, air pollution, cigarette smoke and perfume)

When Should You See a Doctor?

  • To monitor asthma conditions, don't be afraid to consult a doctor. Good long-term control helps maintain better health conditions from day to day and can prevent life-threatening asthma attacks.
  • If you have frequent coughing or wheezing that lasts more than a few days or other signs or symptoms of asthma, see a doctor immediately. Treating asthma early can prevent long-term lung damage and help keep the condition from getting worse over time.
  • If asthma symptoms get worse, immediately call or consult a doctor and do not take more medication than the prescribed dose without first consulting a doctor. Excessive use of asthma medication can cause side effects and make asthma worse.

Reference :

  • Mayo Clinic (2020). Diseases & Conditions. Asthma. ( )

  • Cleveland Clinic (2021). Disease & Conditions. Asthma ( )

  • Referensi perhimpunan dokter paru indonesia (PDPI) tahun 2021. Pedoman diagnosa dan penatalaksanaan asma di indonesia

