saraf, neurologi

Stroke Sufferers Must Know! "IMMEDIATELY GO TO THE HOSPITAL" If You Have These Symptoms

Stroke is a neurological emergency disease, which is a disease caused by disruption of blood flow either due to blockage or rupture of blood vessels, causing a neurological deficit, but it occurs suddenly and lasts usually for 24 hours. So stroke occurs due to rupture of blood vessels in the brain. The risk factors for stroke are divided into 2, namely some that can be modified and some that cannot be modified. Unmodifiable stroke risk such as age, gender, race. Meanwhile, what can be modified are hypertension, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, gout, smoking, blood disorders, etc.
The symptoms of a stroke actually have a slogan, namely "Go to the hospital immediately", Se = Smile that is not symmetrical, Ge = Movement of one side of the body weakens, Ra = Speak crooked or difficult to speak, Ke = Numbness on one side of the body, R = Myopic, and S = Headache. So, if you get these symptoms, you should be advised to go to the hospital. If the patient has a stroke, the patient must be immediately taken to the hospital so that he can be saved, especially in the brain.
The essence of stroke therapy is referral, physiotherapy, and risk factors that must be controlled. Referral, namely immediately to the hospital to get medicines, for example arriving less than 4 hours or 6 hours there will be a thrombolysis action, after that, then thrombolysis can no longer be done. Physiotherapy to prevent disability, sequelae of stroke, namely disability. The last is a risk factor, the most important to prevent recurrence. Hypertension is a risk factor for stroke. So patients must always control going to the hospital to get drugs such as reducing hypertension. In addition, if the patient has a history of diabetes, then his sugar must be controlled so that stroke does not recur.
Those are some of the factors that cause stroke symptoms that must be considered. If Hermina's friend has stroke symptoms like the article above, immediately change her lifestyle to be healthier and don't forget to always consult with a specialist.
