urologi, infertility, varikokel

Effect of Varicocele on Male Fertility

Infertility or fertility disorders are not only experienced by women. Men can also experience this condition. Infertility in men is a condition where a man has difficulty getting a woman pregnant. This is caused by various problems in the male reproductive system, which interfere with the production, movement or function of sperm.

One of the causes of infertility in men is Varicocele.

As many as 25-35% of men who experience primary infertility and 50-80% of men with secondary infertility experience varicocele.

What is Varicocele

Varicocele is a condition of enlarged veins in the scrotum (scrotal sac). Widening occurs because there is an obstruction to blood flow so that blood flows back into the scrotum. Varicocele is similar to varicose veins in the legs, the only difference is the location.

Varicoceles generally occur on the left side because the structure of the blood vessels allows them to be squeezed by other blood vessels and the pressure inside them is greater, however, almost 50% of sufferers with varicoceles experience it on both sides. Varicoceles are estimated to be found in approximately 15% of men in the general population, with the majority being found in those of reproductive age. The risk of varicocele increases up to 8 times greater if you have a family history of varicocele.

Causes of Varicocele

The cause of varicocele is still unknown. The main cause is still unclear.

Some theories say it is caused by the anatomical condition of the vein itself, or an obstacle to return flow, so that blood collects in the scrotal sac area.

Varicocele Symptoms

Generally does not cause complaints, depending on the grade of varicocele. But it can also be found

Pain or discomfort in the scrotal area
Complaints worsen when standing, improve when lying down
In severe varicoceles there is an appearance like a sac of worms in the scrotum which can be felt or even seen.
Impaired fertility

How to Confirm a Varicocele Diagnosis?

The Urology Specialist will carry out a physical examination, namely touching the scrotum area, and it will be found that there are objects such as lumps of worms in severe degrees. If it is not visible, the doctor will ask you to push so that you can see the widening of the vein.

The examination can be carried out with an ultrasound examination (ultrasonography) of the scrotum to determine the degree of varicocele. Another examination could be sperm analysis to look for infertility problems.


Impact of Varicocele

The testicles are outside the body to get a lower temperature than body temperature, which is needed to form optimal sperm. If dilation occurs and blood flow is not smooth, the temperature in the scrotum will increase due to blood buildup. This will disrupt the sperm formation process and cause a decrease in sperm quality in terms of quantity (oligozoospermia), shape (teratozoospermia), movement (motility) and function.

How to Treat Varicocele?

Surgery is the treatment for varicocele but not all cases require surgery. Mild varicocele with pain, the doctor will give anti-pain medication (paracetamol).

Surgery is carried out on severe varicoceles, there is interference with the results of sperm analysis, the patient experiences fertility problems. The following is the treatment for varicocele, namely as follows:

Surgery (Varicocelectomy)

If you experience fertility problems, one of which is varicocele, you can consult with a urology specialist at Hermina Bekasi Hospital.

Download the Halo Hermina application  to make an appointment with specialist doctors at Hermina Bekasi Hospital.
