The Importance of Pregnant Women's Nutritional Intake in Preparing for Breast Milk MP-ASI Rich in animal protein prevents stunting
A pregnant woman must have good nutritional status and consume food that is diverse in proportion and amount. Pregnant women must consume more food because they have to meet nutritional needs for themselves and for the growth and development of their fetus/baby. In this regard, pregnant women must have good nutritional status and consume food that is diverse in proportion and quantity. The reality is that in Indonesia there are still many mothers who during pregnancy have poor nutritional status, for example being thin and suffering from anemia. This can be caused by her food intake during pregnancy being insufficient for her own and her baby's needs. Apart from that, this condition can be made worse by the workload of pregnant women, which is usually the same or heavier than before pregnancy. As a result, babies do not get the nutrients they need, which disrupts their growth and development. Health and nutrition programs to prevent stunting are implemented long before a woman becomes pregnant. It is best to pay attention to it from the start of life, especially from pregnancy to the first two years of a child's life (the first 1000 days). This period is considered critical because the growth and development of the child's brain and body is very fast. Good nutritional factors during pregnancy and early in a child's life have a big impact in preventing stunting and supporting children's optimal development. Therefore, attention to nutrition and health should start from pregnancy until the child reaches the age of two years.
Pregnant women who are malnourished are at risk of giving birth to babies with low birth weight. For this reason, pregnant women need to understand and adopt a healthy lifestyle with balanced nutrition so that the mother's nutritional status is maintained and the fetus remains healthy. According to several nutritionists, prospective mothers should prepare a balanced nutritional intake long before pregnancy. Every day, women need to adopt a healthy diet. As a result, you will have balanced nutritional needs during pregnancy and childbirth. It has sufficient nutritional reserves Even though in terms of composition the need for protein is the least, don't let this nutrient go unnoticed. For pregnant women, the protein element needed is around 60 grams every day. This means an increase of 10 grams more than the requirement before pregnancy, which was 50 grams per day. There are many functions of this protein, including; • As a source of Calories • As a substance that builds or forms and repairs body tissues in the fetus such as muscles, bones, eyes, skin, heart and liver • Plays a role in blood formation • Helps the formation of blood, amniotic fluid and fetal cells so that they are perfect • Useful in the growth of tissue and placenta and even brain • Forms antibodies for women and fetuses • Maintain healthy bones of women and fetuses
Prospective mothers who lack protein intake are at risk of causing smaller babies, babies experiencing problems such as cleft lips or other physical abnormalities, one of which is the cause of stunting (children growing short). In fact, a lack of protein has an effect on the imperfect formation of breast milk later in lactation. Various sources of protein There are many sources of protein that can be obtained. For example, animal protein sources can be obtained from beef, chicken, fish, egg whites, cheese, milk and so on. So that protein needs are met without excessively increasing fat intake, a mother should process this protein source by boiling, steaming, dipping, or occasionally sautéing. Avoid the frying process with a lot of oil (deep frying). Milk as a source of animal protein can help increase pregnant women's need for nutrients because apart from containing protein it also contains other substances such as calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, and vitamins B1 and B2. Consume at least two glasses of milk per day to complete the nutritional needs of pregnant women. The protein content in milk can provide energy for pregnant women to maintain good activities throughout their pregnancy. Animal protein is considered effective in preventing children from experiencing stunting. Animal food has complete nutritional content, rich in animal protein and vitamins which really support growth and development. Animal protein intake in pregnant women is very important in preventing stunting in the fetus they are carrying. Impaired fetal growth in the womb is one of the main causes of stunting in children, one of which is due to the nutritional component