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The Importance of Medical Check Up for Maintaining Health

Have you ever heard of Hermina's friend when someone who looks healthy suddenly gets a deadly disease that leads to death? This condition can be more prone to occur in people who have never had a medical check-up.

Medical Check Up is a comprehensive health examination activity. This means that someone who carries out this inspection activity will undergo various stages of examination. Starting from just a medical consultation or interview with a doctor, checking medical history, to checking vital organs inside and outside the body. By carrying out this examination, it is hoped that any health problems or diseases that a person may be suffering from can be detected early on. That way, planning treatment methods and appropriate treatment can be carried out immediately and the disease does not develop to become more severe.

What is the Purpose of a Medical Check Up?
Everyone is actually advised to do regular medical check-ups. At least, in a year, this health check is done once. Why is that? Because this check can help someone:

  • Know the current medical condition thoroughly.
  • Detect immediately a disease that may be suffered but does not cause symptoms.
  • Knowing the risks of health problems that may arise in the future.

Not only that, by routinely conducting thorough health checks, Hermina's friends can be motivated to promote a healthier lifestyle and maintain food intake, as well as ensure the condition of the body when undergoing certain treatment processes to avoid the risk of dangerous side effects. Health conditions can be monitored optimally, and Friends of Hermina can consult with a doctor regarding health problems or symptoms of the disease that is being suffered.

What are the Types of Medical Check Ups?
Medical check-up is a health examination of various types. Friends of Hermina can get comprehensive medical check-up services by combining various tests. The following are the types of medical check-ups:
1. Physical test

Physical tests at a medical check-up usually include measuring height and weight. Not only that, this test will also contain consultations with doctors regarding the physical condition that Sahabat Hermina feels, for example whether there are symptoms or perceived health complaints.

2. Blood Pressure Check

Normal adult blood pressure is in the range of 120/80 mmHg. A person is considered to have high blood pressure if his blood pressure is more than 140/90 mmHg. All that can be checked through a sphygmomanometer or sphygmomanometer.

3. Thorax Photo

Usually, this one health check can describe the health condition of the chest, from the heart to the lungs. This test is very concise. You just need to go into the X-ray room, then change clothes and stand in front of the X-ray machine. Follow instructions from staff regarding inhalation and exhalation.

4. Blood and Urine Test

Many things can be described through this type of medical check-up. Starting from blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, hemoglobin, inflammation, to the level of kidney function can be described from the results of complete blood and urine tests. Usually to take this test, Friends of Hermina are required to fast for at least 8 hours from the time of blood collection so that the results of the examination can be more accurate.

5. ECG and Treadmill

ECG is an abbreviation of electrocardiogram which is a heart record test to see whether there is a problem with the heart rate and rhythm in time. Meanwhile, through a treadmill test, heart function and other heart problems can be described.

In addition to the general tests above, there are actually many other types of medical check-ups that are more specific. Starting from eye examinations, bones, to blood coagulation tests through fibrinogen tests are actually part of a health examination or medical check-up that should be carried out regularly.

How to Prepare Before Doing Medical Check Up?
Before undergoing a medical check-up, patients are encouraged to bring along medical data, for example, the results of other health checks or x-rays. Patients should also consult with their doctor first whether they need to fast or stop taking medication when going for a medical examination.

Usually, the doctor will conduct a medical interview with the patient before starting the medical examination procedure. The questions asked are usually about current and past health conditions. In addition, the doctor will also find out all types of drugs, both chemical and herbal, and supplements that are consumed by the patient. In order for the medical check-up process to run smoothly, try to choose the right clothes and are comfortable to wear and don't wear accessories, jewelry, or make-up.

What are the Benefits of Doing a Medical Check Up?
What Friends Hermina got was to get an idea related to her health condition. The following are some of the important medical check-up functions for Friends of Hermina to know:

1. Avoiding the Risk of Disease Complications
Maybe Hermina's Friend had previously had a medical check-up and no significant illness was found. However, over time this situation may change. By conducting regular and thorough health checks, you can obtain information about the risk factors for the disease that Sahabat Hermina has. Until later, Friends of Hermina can prevent the disease early and minimize complications that may occur.

2. Accurate in Detecting Disease
Several diseases have the same symptoms. It becomes very dangerous if the treatment given is only based on symptoms because it turns out to be the wrong verdict. By doing a medical check-up, disease detection can also be done. Even through this health check, disease detection becomes more accurate. For asymptomatic diseases, medical check-ups can also assist the medical team in determining a diagnosis related to the disease that Sahabat Hermina has.

3. Prevent Disease Development
The more severe the disease, the more difficult it is to fully recover. Friends of Hermina's quality of life can also drop drastically due to the illness. However, with regular medical check-ups, diseases can be detected more quickly. A number of accurate treatments to treat the disease before it develops severe can be implemented. So, the chance for a complete recovery is greater.

4. Cut Future Health Costs
Medical check up is the best way to maintain health condition. By doing this health check regularly, the risk of disease can be minimized. The disease can be detected more quickly and treated before it gets worse. Health costs become more controlled for now and in the future.

5. Avoiding Treatment Complications
Can not be denied, some medications can cause side effects. Some treatments can be very conflicting and lead to danger when combined. Doing a medical check-up can make the medical team decide on the treatment step with the lowest side effects based on your current health status so that Sahabat Hermina can avoid treatment complications.

Medical check-up is an effort that can help Friends of Hermina to be able to know the current body condition and potential diseases that infect the body without causing symptoms. By carrying out this examination, Sahabat Hermina can immediately detect health problems that may be experienced and can take appropriate medical treatment immediately. That way, the disease will not develop further until it is fatal in the future. Hermina's friends can do a safe and comfortable medical check-up at Hermina Pandanaran Hospital!

