The Importance of Preventing Stunting in the First 1000 Days
Hermina's friends know that prevention is better than cure, right? Well ... the same thing with Stunting. The importance of preventing early stunting. What is Stunting? Stunting is short stature caused by malnutrition for a long time (especially at 1000 HPK)
What are the causes of Stunting?
Poor maternal health and nutrition.
Stunting mother, anemia, delivery distance too close, teenage pregnancy
Inadequate infant and child feeding practices.
No IMD, no exclusive breastfeeding, poor quality complementary foods
Infection at 1000 HPK
Poor parenting, sanitation and hygiene, poor socioeconomic status, lack of health services
How does Stunting impact?
Weakness of the immune system
Disorders of brain development
Achievement and low IQ
short stature
High risk of diabetes, metabolic disease in adulthood
Less productivity
And this is how to prevent stunting
Balanced nutrition and supplements to increase blood for pregnant women
Early initiation of breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding
Quality MPASI
Monitor Toddler growth and development
Complete immunizations and vitamin A capsules
Clean and healthy lifestyle
Well, Mother, if you want to know more about the development of your baby, immediately consult the doctor Merry Lia Desvina, SpA.
Registration to a Pediatrician, especially to the doctor Merry Lia Desvina, SpA, can be done through online registration:
1. Call Center: 1500 488
2. Mobile apps: Halo Hermina (available for iOS and Android)
3. Website:
Healthy with Hermina Metland Hospital, Cibitung