ayah dan ibu

The Importance of Maintaining Mental Health

Mental health is just as important as physical health. Mental health will make the mind positive so that the body will function properly emotionally, psychologically, socially and will affect the way of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Good mental health also helps determine how to manage stress, relate to others, and make choices. If mental health is disturbed, thoughts, moods, and behavior will be affected so that your physical condition and quality of life will decrease., To find out more about mental health, let's see the following article.

Mental health will have an impact on physical health and social life. As the saying goes “in a healthy body there is a strong soul”, a mentally healthy person has been shown to have a lower risk of chronic diseases, such as stroke, type 2 diabetes, stomach disease and heart disease. Mentally healthy people can communicate well, are easy to get along with, and have healthy friendships and are better able to make positive contributions to the community or people around them.

Early Warning When Mental Health Is Impaired
Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age, so keeping your mind and mind healthy is an important part of our overall health and well-being. Many factors contribute to mental health problems, namely biological factors, psychological problems, life experiences and family history. It is normal if in one phase of a person's life people experience mental health problems because psychosocial problems are part of human life, what is more important is how Hermina's friends know early on if themselves or their family or friends or in the environment begin to show symptoms of a disease. mental / psychological disorders and consult immediately, because treatment of mental / psychological disorders early will give better results than if you are late for consultation or treatment.

If you or someone you know has a psychological problem, there are a number of behaviors that mark it. Experiencing one or more of the following feelings or behaviors is an early or early sign of a possible mental disorder:

  1. Disturbances or changes in sleeping or eating patterns (reduced/excessive)
  2. Difficulty focusing, becomes easy to forget so that there is a decrease in the quality of life by eating at the office (including the function as a housewife) or school (decreased academic grades).
  3. Many physical complaints (dizziness, stiff neck, shortness of breath, aches and pains, hot stomach, weakness, nausea, etc.) which if taking medicine improve but relapse, especially when under stress.
  4. Overthinking, anxious, excessive worrying, fear, restlessness or confusion
  5. Emotions become unstable, irritable, irritated, or sad
  6. Injuring yourself, slamming things, screaming
  7. Withdrawing from social, family and daily activities
  8. Easily tired, lack of enthusiasm, hopeless
  9. Smoking and drinking alcohol more than usual to using illegal drugs
  10. Relationships with family or friends are disturbed.

Tips for Maintaining Mental Health

Friends of Hermina need to maintain mental health so that they can move and interact well in their families and communities. Here are things that can be applied to maintain mental health:

  1. Always try to think positive in all situations and conditions
  2. Respect yourself, for example by not comparing yourself to others.
  3. Treat yourself as you would treat someone else you love.
  4. Doing a hobby / hobby is the best way to manage stress for yourself, for example keeping a diary, going for a walk, and talking.
  5. A good and balanced lifestyle (healthy eating, regular exercise, enough sleep, me time)
  6. Be grateful for everything you have so you can accept and love yourself
  7. Develop your potential or try new things that have never been done.
  8. Maintain good relationships with other people.
  9. Relax with meditation or mindfulness techniques.
  10. It is important to remember that mental health is something that should not be neglected and should be maintained to the best of its ability.

Do the ways to maintain mental health that has been described above so that your physical, psychological, emotional, and social life are always in good condition.

If Sahabat Hermina feels that she is experiencing signs of a mental disorder or has family or relatives who have this problem, don't be shy to consult a mental health specialist at RS Hermina Pandanaran. With proper treatment, mental health disorders can be controlled and can lead to a higher quality and happier life.
