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The Importance of Maintaining Ear Health

Ear health is often ignored by most people. In fact, healthy ears are very important for maintaining body balance and listening to sound. Adverse conditions such as ear infections, hearing loss, and tinnitus can interfere with a person's quality of life. Therefore, maintaining ear health should be a priority for everyone. In this article, we will discuss why maintaining ear health is so important and how to ensure that our ears stay healthy.

Why is ear health so important?

  1. Help us to hear clearly. Ears enable us to hear sounds clearly and understand communications effectively. Poor ear health can lead to hearing problems such as deafness and hearing difficulties, which can affect a person's ability to communicate with others.
  2. Maintain body balance. Ears also play a role in maintaining body balance. The inner ear contains the vestibular system, which allows the body to sense movement, rotation, and changes in body position. If ear health is disturbed, it can cause balance problems such as vertigo.
  3. Prevent ear infections. Ear infections such as otitis media can occur if ear health is not properly maintained. This infection can cause pain and fever and, if left untreated, can cause permanent hearing damage.
  4. Prevent permanent damage to hearing Damage to the ear can occur due to many factors, such as sound that is too loud, foreign objects that enter the ear, and injury to the ear. If left untreated, damage to the ear can cause permanent damage to hearing.

Maintaining ear health is not difficult. Here are some ways to care for ear health:

  1. Clean your ears the right way: Cleaning your ears is something that must be done, but don't hurt the inside of your ears. Use a cotton swab moistened with warm water or baby oil to clean the dirt outside the ear. Never try to clean your ears with sharp objects or objects that can damage your ears.
  2. Protect your ears from noise: Noise can damage your ears, so it's best to wear ear protection when you are in a noisy place, such as at work or when driving a vehicle. Use earplugs or headphones at a moderate volume.
  3. Avoid inserting foreign objects into the ear: Inserting foreign objects into the ear can be very dangerous; it can even damage the eardrum. It's best to avoid this habit and never try to clean your ears with a cotton bud or other dangerous objects.
  4. Check your ears regularly: Doing regular ear checks is very important to find out if there are problems with the ears. Have your ears checked by an ear, nose, and throat specialist (ENT) every 1-2 years, especially if you often experience tinnitus or hearing loss.
  5. Avoid using dangerous drugs: Several types of drugs can damage the ears, such as aspirin, certain antibiotics, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Consult your doctor before using the drug.

Maintaining healthy ears is very important for a good quality of life. By taking good care of your ears, you can avoid various health problems that may arise in your ears. Don't hesitate to consult an ENT specialist at Hermina Samarinda Hospital if you have ear problems.
