The importance of parents completing their children's immunizations

The importance of parents completing their children's immunizations

Parents should pay attention to giving complete immunization to children. Because, the main purpose of immunization is to build children's immune system to prevent the spread of dangerous diseases and epidemics and help children not to get sick easily. Complete primary immunization consists of several types of vaccines ranging from polio, BCG, DPT and others. Pediatrician at Hermina Hospital in Pekalongan, Dr. Fanny Pritaningrum, Sp.A, conveyed the importance of parents to complete vaccinations for children to protect them from dangerous diseases. Especially in the current unfriendly weather conditions, this was expressed after being a guest speaker at a health talk show, on Radio Kota Santri (RKS FM). Pekalongan on Friday (10/5/2024).

Vaccinations must also be carried out according to the schedule set by the Ministry of Health and IDAI. So you don't miss it, let's see the full explanation below.

What is Basic Immunization?
Immunization is the process of developing the body's resistance to disease. This process is carried out by administering vaccines either by injection or drinking. Vaccination can be done at any age. However, there are some basic vaccinations that must be given when a newborn is born. The purpose of primary vaccination is to prevent disease, disability or death. That way, children are not susceptible to various diseases during their growing years.

Purpose of Immunization
The main purpose of childhood immunization is to protect children from dangerous diseases that can cause injury or death. Vaccination also seeks to create herd immunity. The importance of achieving herd immunity is to prevent the spread of dangerous diseases to people who cannot be vaccinated, for example due to certain health problems. Therefore, the more people who get vaccinated, the fewer people will get sick. of.

What if you haven't received complete immunization?
If our child's immunization is incomplete, immediately come to the nearest Puskesmas or hospital to be immunized, because more benefits are obtained. dr. Fanny said immunization in children can prevent children from various diseases and reduce more severe pain caused by dangerous diseases.
To provide services for the community, Hermina Pekalongan Hospital also opened a pediatric poly service equipped with various facilities and there are 5 pediatricians who are ready to provide services every day.

dr. Budiyono, et al. Immunization.
Definition of Immunization.
dr. Fanny Pritaningrum, Sp.A. "Health Talkshow". Radio Kota Santri, May 10, 2024

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