
The Importance of Breakfast for School Children

Many people often skip breakfast and eat it with lunch. But you know, Hermina's best friend breakfast is very important in the morning to support our activities throughout the day, especially for school-age children. Breakfast not only provides energy for your little one, but this habit also has many health benefits.

In the morning, the child's body needs to obtain nutritious food intake as a source of energy to carry out activities throughout the day such as studying, playing or playing sports at school. This is because the body does not get nutritional intake during sleep at night so children feel hungry and need new energy in the morning. Aside from being a source of energy, there are several benefits of breakfast for your little one that Hermina's friends need to know about, including:

    Have a positive impact on the learning process at school, both from the thought process to the attitudes and behavior of children.
    Prevent loss of concentration in children during the learning process
    Make children more enthusiastic in carrying out activities at school
    Meet the nutritional needs of children
    Maintain the quality of the child's weight

However, even though breakfast is recommended to be done especially for school children, parents also need to choose a good and appropriate breakfast menu so that it contains good nutritional value and nutrition for their beloved baby. In order to get a quality breakfast, there are several breakfast menus that are recommended for the liver, including:

    Milk and processed products such as cheese and yogurt
    Protein, both animal and vegetable protein
    Adequate carbohydrates (not too much)

Those are some of the benefits so it is important for children to have breakfast every morning before doing activities at school. But besides that, you also have to pay attention to the amount of nutritional content in your little one's breakfast, don't contain too many carbohydrates because it will result in children getting sleepy easily. Seeing the many benefits of breakfast in the morning, try not to skip breakfast, dear friends of Hermina. If you have questions about the nutritional needs of your baby, please consult with a clinical nutrition specialist.

Greetings healthy

