Degenerative Diseases, Beware of the Elderly

Degenerative Diseases, Beware of the Elderly

As people age, their health declines and they become more susceptible to various diseases. This also puts the elderly at risk of degenerative diseases, which is a health condition that results from the deterioration of tissues and organs over time. The body declines from its previous peak condition, especially in terms of speed, efficiency and repair.

Over time, these degenerative changes lead to symptoms and diseases. There are quite a few types of generative diseases associated with aging. Degenerative diseases are caused by various factors. Some of these factors are direct effects of normal use of the body, while others are caused by poor health or an unhealthy lifestyle.

 Degenerative diseases can affect many organs and tissues, ranging from the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), bones and joints, to blood vessels and the heart. While some degenerative diseases are curable, others are not. In these cases, existing treatment options can only alleviate symptoms and allow patients to lead a normal life.

Let's know some degenerative diseases here, some of the most common types of degenerative diseases include:


Hypertension is a disease in which arterial blood pressure is abnormally high during systole or diastole. This condition must be diagnosed and treated as it causes permanent damage to the arteries, if not treated appropriately, hypertension can lead to serious complications, such as coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, and blindness.

Heart disease

Heart disease is a type of degenerative disease that refers to a group of diseases that affect the normal functioning of the heart. Heart diseases include coronary heart disease, heart failure, arrhythmia, and congenital heart disease. These conditions affect the heart's ability to pump blood effectively leading to circulatory disorders and can pose a serious threat to one's health. Heart disease is usually characterized by symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, and leg pain or numbness. People with the disease may also experience mild headaches, dizziness, a fast or slow heartbeat, and swelling of the feet, ankles, and hands.


Osteoporosis is a disease caused by a decrease in bone density and internal bone regeneration ability, as well as an inability to regulate mineral levels in the bones. This condition causes loss of bone mass so that bones are more susceptible to fracture. However, bone loss can occur slowly and over a long period of time.


Diabetes or sugar disease (high blood sugar) is a chronic (long-term) disease that you need to be aware of. The main symptom of this disease is an increase in blood sugar (glucose) levels above normal. Diabetes occurs when a person's body is unable to absorb sugar (glucose) into cells and use it as energy. This condition eventually causes excess sugar to accumulate in the body's bloodstream. Uncontrolled diabetes can have serious consequences and damage various organs and tissues of the body. For example, organs such as the heart, kidneys, eyes, and nerves.


Cancer is a disease where abnormal malignant cells grow in the body.

 Cancer cell growth can occur in any part of the body, from the skin, eyes, lungs, to intimate organs. The most common types of cancer are breast, lung, colon and prostate cancer. Cancer is one of the diseases that requires special attention because it can cause various complications and even in some cases can cause death.

Symptoms of degenerative diseases vary widely. Each type has different symptoms, but some symptoms are similar to other diseases. These are the types of degenerative diseases that need attention as we age.

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