Rare Diseases That Nasopharyngeal Cancer Needs to Know

Rare Diseases That Nasopharyngeal Cancer Needs to Know

What is Nasopharyngeal?
The nasopharynx is the part of the throat located behind the nasal cavity and above the
palate. Cancer of the nasopharynx can cause symptoms such as difficulty
speak, hear, or breathe.

Nasopharyngeal Cancer Incidence Rate
Prevalence in Indonesia based on histopathology, reported around 6.2 cases for every
100,000 inhabitants annually. In Indonesia, nasopharyngeal cancer is a type of malignancy
which most often occurs in the head and neck area and ranks 5th with
19,943 new cases in 2020.

Causes of Nasopharyngeal Cancer
The exact cause of Nasopharyngeal Cancer is not yet known, but it is thought to be related to a viral infection
Epstein-Barr (EVB) in nasopharynx cells, which causes abnormal growth. EVB virus,
contained in saliva, can be transmitted through direct contact or objects
Contaminated. In addition to EVB, other risk factors include:
1. Male gender.
Nasopharyngeal cancer is known to be 3 times more frequent

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