
Causes of children becoming phobic or traumatized when defecating (BAB)

Difficult defecation in children frequently has a psychological impact that causes trauma, causing children to become increasingly unwilling to defecate. A child's reluctance to defecate for longer will make the stool harder, thus making bowel movements more difficult. Links like this will continue to rotate and eventually cause conditions that are far more dangerous.

It is critical that we understand why children experience constipation, which causes trauma. The following is an explanation of constipation associated with childhood trauma.

The word constipation or constipation comes from the Latin constipare, which means to cluster together. In layman's terms, constipation is frequently referred to as Constipation. Constipation is defined as difficulty excreting stools completely, as evidenced by a decrease in defecation frequency, stools that are harder, larger, and more painful than usual, and palpating the abdomen for fecal masses. 

The causes of constipation in children vary, ranging from a lack of intake of fluids and fibrous foods so that the stool becomes harder, often holding bowel movements due to toilet phobia, to a history of previous trauma. In conditions of toilet phobia or trauma, parents must quickly recognize the cause of their child's phobia or trauma. In some cases, children may become phobic due to dirty, smelly toilets and lots of animals, such as cockroaches. This causes the child to tend to resist the urge to defecate. The longer it is held, the harder the stool that is buried in the intestine becomes because water continues to be absorbed by the intestine, causing the child to experience stomach aches as it becomes more difficult to have a bowel movement. This difficulty defecating causes trauma to the child because every time he has a bowel movement, the child has to endure pain both in the stomach and in the anus.

Constipation (Constipation) Symptoms in Children 

The child has not had a bowel movement for several days. Every mule, the child will hold back so as not to defect. Sometimes the child will cross his legs to hold back a bowel movement, and the child will go off on his own. If this happens, it should be suspected of being related to constipation. Sometimes on a child's pants there are yellow spots because of liquid feces that comes out that the child cannot hold, but parents think it is diarrhea when it is not.

Treatment of constipation (constipation) in children

  1. The first thing that needs to be done is to evacuate the stool that has accumulated in the large intestine. This treatment can be done by administering suppositories or through climatic measures, depending on the severity of the constipation. For mild symptoms of constipation, children can be given drugs to facilitate bowel movements, which are inserted through the anus (suppositories). If the symptoms are severe and there is an excessive amount of stool, a climatic action can be taken by inserting glycerin into the child's anus in order to stimulate feces to come out. 
  2. The second stage is to find the cause of the constipation so that the main source of the problem can be identified. Identification of the source of this problem is very important to determine the next management plan for the patient.

Tips for parents to do:

  • Parents should always provide adequate fluid intake for children.
  • diet with the provision of vegetables and fruits that are high in fiber, such as papaya.
  • Toilet training for children who are still used to defecating in diapers should be done patiently, and you should try to keep the toilet clean so that children are not afraid to defecate in the bathroom. Toilet training will develop the gastrocolic reflex and then evoke the defecation reflex. Toilet training methods differ depending on the needs of each child. As an initial introduction, children are simply asked to sit on the toilet for 3–5 minutes, accompanied by their parents. Then, every time the child feels the urge to defecate, invite the child to defecate in the bathroom so that the child becomes used to it. The most important thing is not to force the child to immediately defecate in the toilet because it will have a stressful effect on the child. If the child is able to successfully defecate in the toilet, give him a prize for his achievement.
  • Consult with a pediatrician.

If your little one is not healthy, immediately consult a pediatric specialist at Hermina Pasteur Hospital.
