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The Role of Parents in Preparing Children for School Through a Psychological Approach

Father and Mother, parental preparation and the environment play an important role in a child's school readiness. Therefore, we will discuss the role of parents in preparing children for school and the influence of the environment and social interactions on school readiness. Parents are the first and main educators of children. They have a strategic role in preparing children for school, which includes:

Building a foundation of character and positive values.
Introducing basic learning concepts and general knowledge.
Foster independence and good habits such as discipline and responsibility.
Provide emotional support and motivation to learn.

The Influence of Environment and Social Interaction on School Readiness

The environment and social interactions have a significant influence on children's school readiness. A conducive environment and positive social interactions can :

Increase children's self-confidence and social skills.
Provides a model of good behavior and interaction.
Encourage children to develop curiosity and love of learning.

When children are under 7 years old, there are special steps parents and educators can take to prepare them for elementary school. The following actions are based on recommendations from various sources, namely:

- Early Introduction to the School Environment, Introducing children to the school environment from an early age can help them feel more comfortable and less anxious when the time comes to start school. Visiting schools, interacting with teachers and potential classmates can be a rewarding experience.

- Development of Social and Communication Skills. Early childhood children need to learn how to communicate well and interact socially. Parents and educators can help children develop these skills through group play and other social activities.

- Encouraging Independence, Independence is the key to helping children feel ready and confident. Training children to do simple tasks such as dressing, eating, and tidying up toys on their own can build this independence.

- Setting a Daily Routine, Getting children used to a daily routine, such as a regular bedtime and wake-up time, can help them adjust to the more formal structure of school.

- Strengthening Self-Confidence, Building self-confidence in children is very important. Parents and educators can provide praise and support when children try new things or successfully complete assignments.

Recommendations from psychologists are often an important consideration for parents whose children are under 7 years old and are about to enter elementary school. This chapter will discuss why these recommendations are necessary and how they can help in a child's transition to primary school.

Several reasons why a psychologist's recommendation is needed, namely:

Emotional and Social Maturity: Psychologists can assess a child's emotional and social maturity, which is an important indicator of school readiness.
Cognitive Abilities: Children under 7 may have varying cognitive abilities; psychologists can provide an objective assessment of a child's academic readiness.
Special Needs: If the child has special needs, the psychologist can recommend appropriate support strategies or resources.

Here are the benefits of Psychologists' recommendations:

Parental Guidance: Provides guidance to parents on steps they can take to support their child's transition to school.
Information for Teachers: Provides valuable information for teachers about individual children's needs and characteristics.
Decision Making: Assists in making appropriate decisions regarding the admission of children under 7 years of age to primary school.

The conclusions are:

School Readiness Involves More Than Academics: School readiness is not only about academic abilities, but also a child's psychological maturity, which includes motor, cognitive, social-emotional and independence aspects.
The Role of Parents is Very Important: Parents play a key role in preparing children for school by building a foundation of character, introducing learning concepts, and fostering independence and good habits.
Environment and Social Interaction Have a Big Influence: A conducive environment and positive social interactions greatly influence a child's school readiness, including self-confidence and social skills.
School Readiness Tests Are an Important Tool: School readiness tests help assess a child's readiness and identify areas that need additional support or intervention.
Age Is Not the Only Determinant of Readiness: While age is an important factor, each child's individual maturity must be considered holistically to determine school readiness.
Psychologists' Recommendations Can Provide Valuable Guidance: Recommendations from psychologists are very useful, especially for children under 7 years old, in m
