Root Canal Treatment, Get to Know the Types and Procedures.

Root Canal Treatment, Get to Know the Types and Procedures.

A tooth root canal is a cavity found in the center of a tooth. This cavity contains blood vessels and nerves. The veins in the dental nerve only have a sensory function, namely to feel the hot or cold temperature of food. The tooth root canal is a cavity found in the center of the tooth. This cavity contains blood vessels and nerves. The veins in the dental nerves only have a sensory function, namely to feel the hot or cold temperature of food. Teeth that experience problems such as infection can undergo root canal treatment. Root canal treatment or in medical terms called endodontics is a procedure carried out to treat damage to the tooth cavity or teeth that are infected. This treatment can treat dental problems without the need for tooth extraction. Root canal treatment may sound a bit scary. But there's no need to worry because this procedure is safe and helps relieve pain due to infection or inflammation of the teeth. 

Conditions that require root canal treatment 

Root canal is the term used to describe the natural cavity in the center of a tooth that contains pulp. This canal extends from the crown of the tooth to the tip of the root. Meanwhile, the pulp is the soft part inside the tooth which contains blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue. In general, root canal treatment is performed to treat pain caused by inflammation or infection of the tooth pulp. This can occur due to cavities or injury to the teeth. The symptoms that indicate an infection in the pulp include: 

    Teeth hurt when exposed to food or drink. 

    Teeth feel loose or loose 

    Teeth hurt when chewing or biting
Dental root canal treatment procedure 

Root canal treatment is carried out by a specialist in dental conservation. Before carrying out root canal treatment, the dentist will directly examine the teeth and take x-rays of the teeth to see the condition of the teeth that are experiencing problems. The steps for root canal treatment carried out by a dentist are as follows: 

    Give local anesthesia so that you remain comfortable during the procedure 

    Place a rubber protector over the teeth to be treated to keep them clean and protected from saliva and contamination

    Make a hole at the top of the diseased tooth to access the root canal 

    Cleaning the root canal of the tooth and the infected surrounding tissue is cleaned using very small tools and using a special solution

    Cover the hole with a temporary patch 

    Come for control again to see the condition of the teeth that have been treated

Root canal treatment has many benefits if detected early and treated appropriately. Immediately undergo an examination with a dental conservation specialist to get the right treatment according to the dental problem you are experiencing. Healthy greetings

Reference :

NHS. Accessed 2022. Root canal treatment. 
Mayo Clinic. Accessed 2022. Slide show: Root canal treatment.

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