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First Aid for Accident Victims

Why Do We Need to Immediately Help Accident Victims?

  • Accident victims who are not helped immediately can be at risk of death.
  • Proper first aid before medical personnel arrive can save the victim's life and prevent disability.

First Aid Steps for Accidents (P3K)

First aid is an aid measure to provide temporary treatment before the victim receives further action from medical personnel. Because this action can save the victim's life, assistance must be appropriate.

Principles of first aid

  1. Call 119
  2. Be safe
  3. Safe the environment
  4. Keep Victims Safe

For those helping victims, carry out early recognition by:

  1. Emergency activation and (CPR: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)
  2. Defibrillation with an automated electric shock device (AED).
  3. advanced life support
  4. Management after cardiac arrest

Make sure the accident victim is still alive or dead

How to detect quickly:

• Make sure the victim is conscious or not.

• Listen and feel the victim's breath by "bringing the ear/cheek close to the victim's nose" while looking at the rise and fall of the victim's chest, to determine whether the victim is breathing or not.

• Check the victim's nails and press them, if they are pale and cold from the beginning, or initially reddish and apply pressure for 2 seconds, then become pale and do not return to redness then the victim is dead

In case of a head injury, be careful of the possibility of a cervical spine injury, for help or treatment, do the following:

• If the victim is not in a supine position, then position the patient on his back with the principle of protecting the cervical spine.

• If the victim is still wearing head protection (helmet), remove the helmet by following the rules for removing the helmet.

• If the victim is in the middle of the road, move the victim using the principle of protecting the cervical spine.

• Place the victim on a flat, hard surface.

• Make sure the victim's airway remains open and breathing is good

By having this knowledge, you can provide first aid measures to accident victims and save them from serious injury.

When an accident occurs, try to remain calm. Don't panic and provide first aid to the accident to the best of your knowledge. If in doubt, immediately contact the Emergency Room / SPGDT at Hermina Tangkubanprahu Hospital so that the victim can quickly receive more appropriate treatment.

Daftar Pustaka: 1. AHA Guidelines Update for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular, Care http://circ.ahajournals.org 2. Ditjen Bina Pelayanan Medik Departemen Kesehatan, The Johanniter Internastonal Assistance. Panduan Pertolongan Pertama, 2009. 3. Ditjen Bina Upaya Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan, Kurikulum Pelatihan Penanggulangan Penderita Gawat Darurat (PPGD) Tim Puskesmas di DTPK, 2011. 4. Kleinman et al, Adult Basic Life Support and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Quality, 2015. 5. PPGD Awam, Sebaiknya Anda Tahu Panduan Orang Awam Menghadapi Keadaan Gawat darurat Seharihari, 2005. 6. Reichman Erick F, Simon Robert R, Emergency Medicine Procedure,3rd edition, McGraw- Hills, 2018.
