Good Diet and Nutrition in Children to Prevent Stunting
Stunting is a condition of failure to thrive in toddlers due to chronic malnutrition, making the child too short for their age.
Malnutrition occurs since the baby is in the womb and in the early period after the child is born, but stunting only appears after the child is 2 years old.
Characteristics of Stunting
Slow growth
Delayed tooth growth
Weight does not increase / decrease
Children are susceptible to various infectious diseases
Face looks younger than children of the same age
Poor ability to focus & learning memory
Causes of Stunting
Experiencing malnutrition since pregnancy
Low birth weight <2500 gr (2.5 kg)
Not getting exclusive breastfeeding
Lack of knowledge about health & nutrition
Lack of access to nutritious food
Missing immunizations
Lack of access to clean water and sanitation
How to Prevent Stunting?
Fulfilling nutritional needs since pregnancy
Provide exclusive breastfeeding until the baby is 6 months old
Provide adequate complementary feeding
Continue to monitor the growth and development of children at the Integrated Health Post
Provide complete immunization
Always maintain environmental cleanliness
Interventions targeting pregnant women, interventions aimed at children in the first 1,000 days of life (HPK) and contributing to a 30% reduction in stunting.
Food with various side dishes
Iron tablets of at least 90 tablets and folic acid & Overcoming iodine deficiency.
Immunization of pregnant women with Tetanus Toxoid (TT) immunization, provision of additional food for pregnant women,
Pregnancy control at least 4 times. Overcoming worms in pregnant women. Interventions targeting Breastfeeding Mothers and Children Aged 0-6 Months
The delivery process should be carried out by a trained midwife or doctor
Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (IMD)
Provide exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months
Regularly check the baby's growth and development at the integrated health post
Interventions targeting Breastfeeding Mothers and Children Aged 6-24 months
Food: Breast milk + MP ASI (KIA book)
Provide vitamin A capsules twice a year
Provide complete immunization
Provide deworming medicine.
Provide zinc supplementation.
Fortify iron into food.
Prevent and treat diarrhea.
Provide nutritious MPASI rich in animal protein:
Age 6-8 months: 2 x/day or more;
Age 9-23 months: 3 x/day or more.
For babies aged 6-23 months who are not breastfed: 4 x/day or more.
ADEQUATE MPASI MPASI given by considering the amount, frequency and texture.
The variety of food ingredients in MPASI consists of CARBOHYDRATE SOURCES, PROTEIN SOURCES, FAT SOURCES and starting to introduce fruits, vegetables and vegetable protein.