
Recommended Sleeping Positions in the 3rd Trimester of Pregnancy

When the pregnancy reaches the 3rd trimester, there will be a change in sleeping position due to physical changes and hormonal imbalance. The right sleeping position can reduce complaints and make pregnant women sleep better.
Adequate and quality sleep is needed by everyone, including pregnant women, to maintain health. Adequate and quality sleep during pregnancy is useful for optimizing fetal growth and development and preventing pregnancy complications.
In principle, during a normal pregnancy, pregnant women can sleep in any position that is considered comfortable (except on their stomach, Ma'am :) ), but there are indeed several sleeping positions that are recommended so that pregnant women can sleep more comfortably.
The following are the recommended sleeping positions in the 3rd trimester which are recommended for pregnant women:
1. Sleep on your right side (right side sleeping)
It doesn't matter if pregnant women are more used to sleeping on their right side. It's just that when you sleep on your right side, the risk of the fetus pressing on the pregnant woman's liver will be greater. So that the pressure of the uterus and fetus can put pressure on the aortic blood vessels of the pregnant woman so that the blood flow back to the heart is slightly disturbed which can cause fluid to collect in the hands and especially the feet.
However, don't worry if pregnant women wake up on their right side. Pregnant women simply roll to the left. To prevent changes in the tilted position to the right, pregnant women can use a pillow or bolster as a back support. This will also make sleeping on your side more comfortable.
2. Sleep on your left side (left side sleeping)
Sleeping on your left side with your legs bent is considered the best sleeping position during pregnancy. The reason is, this sleeping position can facilitate blood flow to the heart, kidneys and uterus of pregnant women. Thus, the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus also increases.
In addition, sleeping on your left side can also reduce pressure on the liver and kidneys, thereby reducing swelling in pregnant women's hands and feet.
If the sleeping position is still uncomfortable, pregnant women can place a pillow between the legs, on the lower back, or under the waist (when on their side).
If you have tried to apply this sleeping position but the difficulty sleeping that pregnant women experience is getting worse, or you often wake up at night because you feel tight or uncomfortable in the solar plexus/chest area, you should immediately consult this condition with Dr. Marcel Elian Suwito, SpOG, FICS
In addition, pregnant women are also advised to routinely carry out uterine controls according to the schedule to monitor fetal growth and development and the health of pregnant women.
