Infertile Men? Let's Know About Male Infertility.

Infertile Men? Let's Know About Male Infertility.

Not only women can experience infertility; infertility can also occur in men. In fact, of all fertility disorders, 25% can occur due to female factors, 25% from men, and 50% from both. Thus, fertility disorders are experienced by men and women in the same ratio.

Male infertility is a medical disorder in which a man experiences the inability to fertilize a woman's egg, thus making the couple unable to get pregnant. Male infertility is caused by various factors that cause a man to be infertile, such as problems with the male reproductive system, lifestyle, environmental factors, a lack of sexual desire, and experiencing swelling or pain in the testicles or scrotum. However, not all men experience these signs. Most infertile men have fertility problems and don't even experience any symptoms at all.


Causes of infertility in men

The causes of male infertility are generally caused by several factors, including:

  • Problems with sperm production, such as infection or inflammation, varicocele, hormonal disturbances, and disorders of the ejaculatory ducts
  • Ejaculation problems, such as retrograde ejaculation or ejaculation too quickly
  • Health and lifestyle factors, such as smoking, obesity, excessive alcohol consumption, using certain illegal drugs, exposure to toxic chemicals, and chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension


Male Infertility Symptoms

Male infertility can be characterized by several symptoms, although in most cases, men with infertility do not show any symptoms. Some of the symptoms of infertility in men to watch out for are:

  • Problems with sexual function such as difficulty ejaculating, reduced sexual desire, or erectile dysfunction.
  • Lower than normal sperm count
  • Feeling a lump or pain in the testicles
  • Abnormal breast growth or gynecomastia
  • Signs of other chromosomal or hormonal abnormalities


Diagnosis of infertility in men

For the diagnosis of male infertility, the doctor will conduct an examination with several tests that can be done to diagnose it, including:

  1. Anamnesis

Useful for knowing the patient's fertility history. both the history of disease, surgery, radiation therapy, and the lifestyle adopted by the patient.

  1. Physical Examination

After taking the history, the doctor will perform a physical examination, both in terms of the anatomy of the penis and the characteristics of the testicles and epididymis, as well as other organ abnormalities.

  1. Sperm Analysis Examination

Analysis is an important supporting examination to do. Sperm analysis is basically unable to determine the diagnosis of infertility in determining male fertility. If a number of problems, such as azoospermia, are found, then other supporting examinations, such as a testicular biopsy, will be continued.


Male Infertility Treatment

Treatment of infertility depends on the cause. Several types of infertility treatment for men that can be done are:

  • Administering drugs: Some drugs can help increase sperm count or improve sperm quality.
  • Surgery: procedures can help with physical problems such as varicocele, swelling of the vessels around the testicles, or obstruction of the sperm ducts.
  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Method: This method can help a couple who is experiencing infertility produce offspring by utilizing TRB (assisted reproductive technology).
  • Treatment for sexual intercourse problems Counseling or medication helps improve fertility in conditions such as erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.


Therefore, infertility in men is a medical condition that can cause the inability to fertilize a woman's egg, which can make the couple unable to get pregnant. If Hermina Friends experience any of the symptoms listed above or have concerns about fertility, you should immediately consult an andrologist to get an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

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