Fasting Smoothly and Comfortably for Maag Patients? Follow These Tips

Fasting Smoothly and Comfortably for Maag Patients? Follow These Tips

Fasting is a religious ritual in which Muslims refrain from eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset during the month of Ramadan.  However, for ulcer sufferers, fasting is difficult because it can cause or aggravate the ulcer itself.

Fasting has many benefits, including for people with ulcers. Heartburn is a term used to describe pain originating in the stomach, small intestine, or esophagus, which can be caused by a number of conditions. Another name for heartburn is dyspepsia. Symptoms include pain or burning in the solar plexus area, nausea, vomiting, bloating, feeling full quickly, frequent burping, loss of appetite, chest pain or fever, and a bitter taste in the mouth. Did you know that stomach acid only increases in the first week of fasting, after the second week, stomach acid returns to normal. By fasting, the levels of the hormone gastrin in the body help to lower stomach acid. Simply put, the body has to adapt to fasting conditions, if you usually eat regularly, fasting changes the timing of meals quite significantly.

There are many fasting tips for people with stomach ulcers. Following these tips is important to make your fasting smooth, comfortable and ulcer-free.

1.Avoid foods that can trigger ulcers
If possible, avoid eating heartburn-causing foods, both during sahu and iftar, such as excessively fatty foods, ready-to-eat foods such as sausages and pizza, pickles, and foods that are too acidic. For drinks, choose decaffeinated beverages and sodas to avoid heartburn.

2.Avoid eating too hastily
When fasting, sometimes you may wake up late at dawn. But remember, don't rush through your food. Also avoid eating while talking. Eating too quickly, especially while talking, can cause a lot of air to enter the digestive tract and cause heartburn. So try to wake up early so that you can eat sahur calmly and slowly.

3.Avoid overeating during suhoor and iftar
Eating too much at once can make your stomach work harder. This can lead to complaints such as a full stomach and feeling too full. So eat slowly and in moderation at suhoor and when breaking the fast. Avoid eating large amounts at once. For example, when breaking the fast, start with a light meal and then continue with a large meal.  If you still feel hungry after breaking the fast, for example after tarawih. Snack on healthy snacks such as dates, bananas or crackers.

4.It is not recommended to sleep after eating
After sahur, you may still be sleepy and want to go back to sleep. However, you should not sleep immediately after eating. This is because falling asleep after eating can cause stomach ulcers. But if the sleep is unbearable, you can sleep in a half-sitting position. The trick is to support the head and shoulders with lots of pillows. This position can prevent food from returning to the esophagus.

5.Control your emotions
When fasting, control your emotions as much as possible and manage stress well. This is because the purpose of fasting is not only to control hunger, but also to control desires such as feelings of anger and sadness. Controlling your emotions can also reduce the risk of heartburn.

Ramadan is an important time for Muslims to worship to the fullest. Applying the tips above to make ulcer patients comfortable while fasting can be a comfortable solution to worship without ulcer problems.


Dr. Ibnu Mas'ud, interviewed by the author, 2024, Pekalongan, Central Java

Medical News Today. Accessed on 2024. Fasting: Health benefits and risks.

Syam, Ari. 2015, "Stomach ulcers: can I fast?"

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