kanker, onkologi, onkologi radiasi, radioterapi


Most people understand chemotherapy as the only therapy for cancer. In fact, there are various other types of therapy in dealing with cancer, including surgery/surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, as well as hormonal therapy and immunotherapy. The therapy can be given alone or in combination. Therefore, the cooperation of the oncology team consisting of specialists in surgical oncology, medical oncology, radiation oncology, pathology, radiology, as well as specialists or other supportive teams, in oncology is very important.

50% of cancer patients receive radiotherapy as a treatment for their disease. Radiotherapy is a cancer treatment that aims to kill cancer cells using high-energy radioactive rays. Treatment with radiation therapy is given depending on the type of cancer being treated and depending on the purpose of radiation therapy, such as to treat cancer or to reduce symptoms of complaints. Radiotherapy plays a role in breast cancer, cervical cancer, prostate cancer, rectal cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, skin cancer , lymphoma, brain cancer, and others.

To provide comprehensive cancer treatment services, Hermina Bekasi Hospital currently has radiotherapy services with the latest technology, namely Linear Accelerator (Linac) which is able to provide targeted radiation therapy to cancer areas and protect normal organs around cancer. The radiation techniques provided include 3D Conformal Radiotherapy, Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT), and Volumetric Arc Radiotherapy (VMAT – Rapid Arc).

Radiation therapy is started by simulating radiation using a CT Simulator. The results from the CT Simulator are then used to determine the target and radiation dose. Patients will undergo radiation after the medical team has verified quality assurance to ensure quality therapy and is based on the safety of patients, staff and the surrounding community.

When undergoing radiation and post-radiation therapy, patients can feel side effects in the area exposed to radiation which can be temporary and some are permanent. To monitor the emergence of side effects that occur and the management of side effects that occur, the patient will be routinely followed up by a Radiation Oncologist during radiation and after radiation.

Hermina Bekasi Hospital is committed to providing the best special services for cancer patients with specialist doctors and facilities with the best technology, we are ready to serve the treatment process for cancer patients. For further information, please contact the Radiotherapy Call Center at 0815-1019-4512 and 0815-1019-4513
