There are Many Cases of Children on Dialysis, These are the Dangers of Diabetes in Children: Causes, Symptoms, and Impacts on Health

There are Many Cases of Children on Dialysis, These are the Dangers of Diabetes in Children: Causes, Symptoms, and Impacts on Health

Diabetes in children , especially type 1 diabetes , is condition chronic need​ attention special . Type 1 diabetes occurs when pancreas child No produce enough insulin , a hormone that regulates blood sugar . Type 2 diabetes , which is more common in adults , now also starting appears in children along increasing obesity in children . Understand The dangers of diabetes in children are very important For prevent complications period long and sure quality good life​ for children who suffer from it .

Causes of Diabetes in Children

  1. Type 1 Diabetes :
  • Genetic Factors : There is a tendency genetic For develop type 1 diabetes .
  • System : Body attack beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.
  1. Type 2 Diabetes :
  • Lifestyle : Diet No healthy and less activity physique .
  • Obesity : Excess weight increases​ risk of type 2 diabetes .
  • Family History : Genetic factors also play a role role in type 2 diabetes .

Symptoms of Diabetes in Children

  1. Frequent Thirst and Urination: Frequent children feel thirsty and frequent urination​​ Possible show diabetes symptoms .
  2. Fatigue : Frequent child feel tired although Enough Rest .
  3. Unexplained Weight Loss : Lost weight that is not can explained although Eat with Good .
  4. Slow Wounds Healing : Wounds or cured infection​ with slow .
  5. Vision Blurry : Disturbance sudden vision .​

Dangers and Health Impacts

  1. Complications I :
  • Ketoacidosis Diabetes (DKA): Condition something serious happened when body start breaks down fat as material burn Because insulin deficiency .
  • Hypoglycemia : Very low blood sugar can cause faint or seizure .
  1. Complications Long -term :
  • Damage : Neuropathy diabetes that causes pain , tingling , or​ numb .
  • Damage Kidney : Nephropathy diabetics can​ cause fail kidney .
  • Problem Sight : Retinopathy diabetics can​ cause blindness .
  • Disease Heart : Enhancement risk disease cardiovascular .
  1. Problem Psychological :
  • Stress and Depression: Children with diabetes often feel different and possible experience stress or depression .
  • Problem Social : Difficulty in socialize Because must monitor blood sugar in a way regularly and follow a special diet .

Management of Diabetes in Children

  1. Blood Sugar Monitoring : Check regularly blood sugar levels For avoid complications .
  2. Therapy : Children with type 1 diabetes require insulin injections or use insulin pump .
  3. Healthy diet: Consume food balanced with control strict carbohydrates .​
  4. Activity Physique : Push child For active in a way physique For control blood sugar .
  5. Education: Teach child about importance diabetes management and how to overcome it .


Diabetes in children is condition serious need​ handling and monitoring continously . With understand symptoms and dangers of diabetes, as well apply proper management , children​ with diabetes can undergo healthy and active life .​ Support from family , school , and energy medical is very important in help children This manage condition they with Good .

Reference :

  1.,not%20too late%20are%20treated %20by%20doctors.
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