Hello Hermina Friends, Stroke occurs when blood vessels in the brain burst or blood flow to the brain is blocked, causing the brain to experience a lack of blood supply, resulting in cell damage or death. When this condition occurs, most people will experience a decline in function which results in limitations in carrying out life activities.

Some potential problems that arise after a stroke include: paralysis of half the body, stiffness, pain and dislocation of the shoulder, problems with communication and swallowing, impaired coordination and balance, memory problems and impaired sensation.

Some people can recover on their own after a stroke. However, some people need further therapy to restore their abilities. Post-stroke exercise is a therapeutic method that helps optimize functional abilities. The therapy program for stroke patients is adjusted to the symptoms that arise and the severity of the stroke. The patient's first assessment is carried out by a doctor, this is needed to get an appropriate therapeutic approach, then the patient will be sent to a rehabilitation team such as a physiotherapist, speech therapist, and occupational therapist, as well as orthotic prosthetics for patients who need certain assistive devices.
Goals of Post-Stroke Rehabilitation
Aims to improve the quality of life through optimizing remaining abilities, helping to regain physical abilities, social adaptation, and work abilities.

Post-stroke rehabilitation that starts early and is sustainable will have a better impact compared to patients who delay therapy.

Active exercise should be done as soon as the medical condition stabilizes.
Post-Stroke Physiotherapy Program
There are many variations of post-stroke physiotherapy programs. All programs are tailored to the specific needs of stroke patients. Some common therapeutic exercises post stroke include:

-Positioning exercises

-Changing position every 2 hours, especially in lying patients, prevents pressure on bony prominences, provides an antispasticity pattern.

-Scope of motion and strengthening exercises

- Mobilization exercises carried out in bed, sitting, standing and walking exercises.

-Exercise improves abilities in daily life activities, for example: eating, drinking, dressing

-Balance training, coordination training

-Speech exercises to improve the ability to coordinate the muscles of the mouth and surrounding areas, improve communication and articulation skills.
As well as the use of therapeutic modalities and prescription of assistive devices according to patient needs.

Choosing the form of activity in exercise management is very important so that it can be carried out as well as possible by the patient in order to avoid frustration due to failure to carry out the exercise.

Because the effects of stroke vary, the therapy program approach given is not uniform from one individual to another.

The success of the therapy program can be achieved through good cooperation from the patient, family and the entire rehabilitation team.

For Hermina Friends who have family who have experienced a stroke and want to undergo therapy to optimize their abilities, you can consult directly with the Medical Rehabilitation Doctor at Hermina Mekarsari Hospital.




1. dr. Melva Merlyana, Sp.KFR

2. PERDOSI. White Book Kedokteran Fisik dan Rehabilitasi. Wahyuni LK, Tulaar ABM, editor : PERDOSI: 2012.



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