Post-Stroke Rehabilitation

Post-Stroke Rehabilitation

What is meant by STROKE?
Stroke is a disease that attacks the blood vessels in the brain, causing
cutting off blood flow to certain parts of the brain. This can result in brain damage
and paralysis in parts of the body controlled by the area of ​​the brain affected by the stroke.
What is the role of physical medicine and rehabilitation and the internal rehabilitation team

Post-Stroke Rehabilitation?
The role of physical medicine and rehabilitation and the rehabilitation team in post-stroke rehabilitation
It is very important in restoring function so that stroke sufferers can achieve their goals again
functional recovery as optimal as possible according to the condition of the stroke.
Basically, all stroke patients require medical rehabilitation. The one that needs it most
are patients who experience the greatest impact from stroke attacks such as
Post-Stroke Rehabilitation. According to research, stroke patients can experience impacts
disruption for a long period, from one to five years.

Post-stroke rehabilitation is a program designed to help stroke patients
regain abilities and functions lost due to stroke. Stroke rehabilitation
aims to achieve optimal physical and psychological independence in the environment
hospital, home (residence) or residence or community. To achieve
This requires lifelong exercise that is carried out every day so that it is active
It becomes a part of the life of post-stroke sufferers, not a standing activity
alone and only do it 2-3 times a week. Active exercise should be started as soon as possible
after the post-stroke sufferer reaches a stable medical condition.

This rehabilitation can help patients to:
1. Improve motor skills
Like walking, dressing and eating alone
2. Improve cognitive abilities
Such as thinking, remembering, and solving problems
3. Strengthen communication skills
Like talking and understanding other people
4. Increase independence in daily activities
5. Prevent stroke complications
Like depression and falling.

Post-stroke rehabilitation is usually carried out by a team of experts, namely medical specialist doctors
Physical and Rehabilitation. The rehabilitation program will be tailored to your needs and
individual patient capabilities.

Types of post-stroke rehabilitation:
1. Physical recovery (physiotherapy) To improve body posture and walking balance affected by stroke.
Generally, physical therapy has two targets, namely short-term and long-term targets
2. Recovery of cognitive function
Stroke can also disrupt the sufferer's cognitive function. Consequential brain damage
Stroke increases the risk of vascular dementia.
3. Psychological recovery
After having a stroke, a person may experience psychological disorders,
such as depression or anxiety disorders. This disorder is characterized by feelings of anger,
anxious, confused and frustrated.
4. Restoration of communication skills
Disturbances in the ability to speak, understand, read and write are
problems faced by many stroke sufferers.
5. Recovery of visual function
Some stroke sufferers experience vision problems, such as blindness
one eye or double vision.
6. Restoration of urination

A stroke can attack the part of the brain that controls the urinary tract or system
urine. This causes people who have had a stroke to experience it
Guidance for patient families and relatives:
1. Provide motivation for sufferers to achieve long-term targets
he has
2. Adapt to the sufferer's condition, such as speaking slowly if he or she does
experiencing communication problems
3. Participate in the physiotherapy process
4. Provide moral support and confidence that the sufferer's condition will recover

How long does rehabilitation treatment take?
The length of post-stroke rehabilitation treatment varies for each individual, depending
on several factors, such as:
1. Age: younger patients generally have more recovery ability
better compared with older patients.
2. Severity of stroke: more severe strokes generally require rehabilitation time
the longer one
3. Health conditions: patients with other existing health conditions, such as
diabetes or heart disease, may require more rehabilitation time
4. Motivational support: patients are motivated and have strong support from
family and friends generally have better and more likely recovery outcomes
requires a shorter rehabilitation time.

The length of post-stroke rehabilitation treatment varies for each individual. Team
Your rehabber will work with you to determine a treatment plan
accurate and monitor your progress. Post-stroke rehabilitation is a process that
ongoing and you may need to continue practicing and doing therapy at home after
you have completed a formal rehabilitation program.
Strokes can indeed leave scars and limitations. However, with rehabilitation
right, have a great opportunity to return to living an independent and productive life. Post rehabilitation
stroke is not an easy process. It requires dedication, discipline, and a spirit of abstinence
give up. However, believe that your efforts will be rewarded with the progress you achieve.

Source :
1. “Post-Stroke Medical Rehabilitation”
2. "Medical Rehabilitation for Post-Stroke Patients"
3. “Stroke Recovery”

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