bedah plastik, anak

Cleft Lip Rhinoplasty

Cleft lip is a birth defect that causes deformity of the lips or roof of the mouth due to insufficient tissue to form the proper lips during pregnancy. Cleft lip also affects the shape and location of the muscles, cartilage and surrounding bones, giving rise to deformities in the facial structure. Cleft lip deformity surgery is performed at a young age (preferably in infants aged 3 months or more) and actual cleft lip rhinoplasty is performed after 18 years of age when the facial bones have fully developed. Since cleft lip nose surgery involves major modifications to various facial anatomical features, it is important to wait until the facial structure is fully developed.

The nose is one of the most prominent facial features, and its appearance contributes greatly to facial aesthetics. Nasal deformities associated with cleft lip have been seen as one of the most difficult reconstructive problems in the field of rhinoplasty. Patients with cleft lip also frequently experience nasal deformities. Nasal deformities vary in severity. In addition, this deformity can expose the patient to severe asymmetry of the nostrils and bridge of the nose.

The key to a successful cleft nose surgery is to correct the oblique shape of the nasal cartilage and the underlying hard bone (foundation). Cleft lip nose surgery gives good results using the rib cartilage (cartilage); this method requires a sophisticated technique incorporating rib cartilage grafting for patients with cleft lip nasal deformities. The combined use of rib and ear cartilage allows excellent results for correcting the deformities associated with cleft lip nose deformities. Common problems associated with cleft lip nose deformities are lack of symmetry, alar (nasal leaf) collapse on the affected side, blunt nasolabial angle, short length of the nose, loss of nose tip shape, and sloping columella. Rhinoplasty for cleft lip nose using rib cartilage can provide a stable and satisfying nose appearance as the rib cartilage is known as a strong cartilage donor for nose jobs.
