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Toothache Never Stops Know the Characteristics of Cavities!

Toothache is a condition of pain that occurs on the inside or around the teeth. Toothaches can come and go or be continuous, and the severity of the pain can vary from mild to severe. Generally, toothaches occur due to diseases of the teeth or gums, one of which is cavities.

Cavities are a condition where the teeth are damaged due to the erosion of the outer layer of the teeth (the enamel). This condition occurs due to the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth due to frequent consumption of sweet foods and a lack of oral hygiene.

Cavities can occur in both adults and children. If not treated immediately, the holes in the teeth can get bigger and more annoying, which has the potential to increase the risk of other dental problems such as infection and tooth loss.

Factors Causing Cavities:
- Rarely brush your teeth / clean your teeth after eating
- Do not use toothpaste or mouthwash that contains fluoride
-Too much consumption of sweet or sour foods and drinks (soda, coffee, tea, etc.)
-Suffers from anorexia and bulimia
- Suffering from GERD and dry mouth
-Advanced so that the enamel begins to thin and reduced saliva production
- Routine consumption of drugs, supplements, vitamins, or herbal products that contain sugar
Symptoms of cavities:
If the hole in the tooth is still small, the symptoms are usually not felt. However, when the hole in the tooth has enlarged, the following symptoms may appear:
-Sensitive teeth
- Pain when biting
-Spontaneous pain for no apparent reason
-Aches or pains after consuming sweet, cold, or hot foods/drinks
-There are obvious cavities in the teeth
-White, brown, or black stains on the surface of the teeth
Prevention of Cavities
Cavities can happen to anyone, especially to people who don't maintain healthy teeth and mouths. To prevent this condition, there are several things you can do, namely:
-Reducing snacking habits
-Reducing consumption of sweet or sour foods and drinks, such as candy or soft drinks
-Brush your teeth 2 times a day with toothpaste containing fluoride
- Clean between the teeth with dental floss at least 1 time a day
- Checking oral health to the dentist, at least 2 times a year
Toothache due to cavities can also occur due to plaque that has not been cleaned for a long time. Plaque is a soft, sticky layer consisting of food debris and bacteria. If left continuously, this plaque can cause various kinds of oral problems, such as tartar and cavities.
To prevent various other complications from occurring in your teeth, check with your dentist every 6 months to remove stubborn plaque. Therefore, friends of Hermina can visit Hermina Depok Hospital to get the best dental care in an effort to prevent cavities.
Make an appointment with a doctor at Hermina Depok Hospital through our call center at 1500-488 or use the features found in the Halo Hermina application.
