Say Good Bye Sakit Gigi, Mau tau tipsnya?

Say Good Bye Sakit Gigi, Mau tau tipsnya?

The key to pain-free teeth is to always maintain healthy teeth and mouth. Healthy teeth and mouth will radiate from a smile and no bad breath. By implementing simple preventative steps every day, you can ensure your teeth are strong and free from cavities, bleeding gums and bad breath problems.

The following is a practical guide to maintaining the health of your teeth and mouth:

1. Brush your teeth with toothpaste regularly

Brush your teeth at least twice a day, in the morning after breakfast and at night before bed. Use fluoride toothpaste to help protect teeth from decay.

2. Use dental floss after brushing your teeth

Use dental floss to clean between your teeth after brushing your teeth. The goal is to remove plaque and food residue that is difficult to reach with a toothbrush.

3. Gargle with mouthwash

Gargle with mouthwash after every meal and brush your teeth, so you can remove stubborn plaque residue from food and drinks that stick to your teeth.

4. Rinse your teeth after consuming cigarettes or sweet and/fizzy foods/drinks

The residual content of cigarettes or sugar in food/drinks can increase stubborn plaque which causes tooth and gum damage. Make sure to rinse with water or mouthwash after consuming cigarettes or sweet and/fizzy foods/drinks.

5. Regularly check your teeth and mouth at a maximum of once every 6 months at the dentist

Routinely carry out a thorough dental health check at the dentist every 3 or 6 months, for professional teeth cleaning. Scaling can prevent swollen and bleeding gums, maintain hormonal balance and sugar levels, especially in pro-mil couples, pregnant women, and diabetes sufferers.

6. Make sure to consume fresh fruit and vegetables every day

Consuming foods high in water, vitamins and fiber, such as raw fruit and vegetables (salad/lalapan) can help rinse off sticky food/drinks.

7. Consume foods/drinks containing calcium

Regular consumption of foods/drinks rich in calcium can strengthen teeth and gums, especially in children and pregnant/nursing women. Apart from being good for the growth and development of bones and other hard tissues in the body, adequate consumption can help speed up teething in children

8. Change your toothbrush regularly

Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months or more often if the bristles become damaged.

9. Keep your gums healthy

Don't ignore gum problems such as bleeding or swelling. Immediately consult a dentist if you experience gum problems.

Come on, invite our family to consistently implement 9 simple steps to maintain healthy teeth and mouth, so that the Friends of Hermina Serpong family can be free from cavities and gum disease.
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