
Love Your Heart By Paying Attention To Your Heartbeat

Hello friend Hermina, heart rate or heart rate is a description of the condition of your heart. When the heart beats, it is a sign that the heart is pumping blood throughout the body. To calculate your pulse, you can count the number of times your heart beats in 1 minute. For example, if your heart contracts 80 times in one minute, your pulse rate will be 80 beats per minute. A normal pulse beats with a stable and regular rhythm. There are some people whose rhythm is not the same, there are also those who have a jumping, irregular rhythm. This is known as an irregular pulse.

Friends of Hermina know that it is very important to pay attention to heart rate by calculating heart rate through pulse, how is the examination done?

Hermina's friends can do it in 4 stages, namely:

1. Turn your hands so that your palms face up

2. Place three fingers (index finger, middle finger, and ring finger) over the artery.

3. Press gently to feel a pulse under your finger. If you don't feel anything, press a little harder. Then, you will feel the rhythmic pulse

4. Count your pulse for 1 minute or count for 30 seconds then multiply the result by To calculate your heart rate, you can also use a smartwatch.

What factors can influence heart rate:


• Fitness and activity levels

• Smoker

• Have cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol or diabetes

•Air temperature

• Body position (standing or lying down, for example)




Normal heart rate according to age is:


The heart rate in children is much different from that of adults. As we age, our pulse tends to slow down. A baby has the highest resting heart rate compared to adults. For children the heart rate is in the range

o Newborns: 100 - 205 beats per minute

o Babies under 1 year: 100 - 180 beats per minute

o 1 - 2 years: 98 to 140 beats per minute

o 3 - 5 years: 80 to 120 beats per minute

o 6 - 7 years: 75 to 118 beats per minute

o 8 – teenagers: 60 to 100 beats per minute


The normal heart rate range for adults is slightly slower, and a normal heart rate ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute.

Apart from age and gender, other factors that can influence heart rate include how active the activity is, stress levels, or what medications are being taken. Everyone's resting heart rate will be a little different, so it's good to know what might be affecting your heart rate.

Consult Hermina Bitung Hospital with a heart and blood vessel specialist if Dr. Randy Alfa Rabby, Sp.JP if he experiences an abnormal heartbeat.

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