gizi, obesitas, diet

The Spirit of Achieving Ideal Body Weight

Hi Hermina Friends
Obesity is a condition where the body weight exceeds normal limits due to the accumulation of excess fat in the body. Obesity occurs because the intake of calories is more than the number of calories burned, so the body will store calories that are not used in the form of fat.

Obesity is not just being overweight. Obesity is characterized by a body mass index (BMI) value of 30 or more, easy or profuse sweating, accumulation of fat in several areas of the body, fatigue, and joint pain.

In children, obesity is generally characterized by fat accumulation in the breasts, tightness when doing physical activity, and puberty disorders.

Obesity can be caused by consuming fast food or drinks containing added sugar in the long term. Obesity can also be caused by excessive food consumption that is not balanced with regular exercise.

Who doesn't want to achieve ideal body weight? Of course, almost everyone wants this. The ideal body weight besides being visually attractive is also good in terms of health. Being overweight is prone to causing several serious diseases, therefore special attention is needed to maintain body weight to stay at an ideal number.

If you don't know your ideal weight, you can calculate your ideal weight using the body mass index (BMI) formula, also known as Body Mass Index (BMI).

This BMI calculates the ideal body weight based on weight and height. In calculating, weight must be converted in kilograms and height in meters squared. Then, the weight is divided by the height.

If the result is between 18-25 points then this is a normal category, if under 18 then it is underweight and vice versa if it is above 25 points it can be categorized as overweight or overweight.
Here are some of the dangers of obesity for the body:
1. Heart disease and stroke
2. Diabetes
3. Obstructive sleep apnea
4. Certain cancers
5. Osteoarthritis
6. Asthma
7. High blood pressure
8. Digestive and liver problems
9. Kidney failure
10. Varicose veins
11. Reduced quality of life

Lifestyle is an Important Factor that Influences Body Weight

Stress, lack of sleep, lack of physical activity, large consumption of processed foods and drinks high in GGL (Salt, Sugar and Fat) as well as an unbalanced diet are part of a lifestyle that greatly influences weight gain. Maybe many people don't realize the importance of a good, age-appropriate sleep pattern. With enough sleep, the body's functions can run well and avoid stress. On the other hand, continuous lack of sleep can disrupt hunger hormones and increase appetite which can lead to overeating.


Tips for Maintaining Ideal Body Weight

After knowing your BMI and the factors that influence your weight, here are the steps to achieve your ideal body weight.

1. Reduce high-calorie snacks and consume more fruit and vegetables
Snacks high in sugar, salt and fat can not only trigger heart disease, diabetes and other diseases but can also increase weight. To continue enjoying sweet and fresh foods without adding weight, you can eat papaya, pineapple, grapes, vegetable salad or other fruit and vegetables as alternative snacks. Apart from being able to enjoy delicious fruit and vegetables, you can also get rich benefits such as vitamins and antioxidants

2. Do 30 minutes of physical activity per day
It is not necessary to exercise intensely for 30 minutes per day, light exercise such as jogging, sit ups, or going up and down stairs is also sufficient. You can reduce the use of motorized vehicles and replace them with cycling or walking when traveling in the area around the house.

3. Get enough rest
It turns out that staying up late can affect weight gain because it increases hormones that can increase appetite and disrupt the body's metabolism. Therefore, as recommended, make sure you sleep 8 – 10 hours every day.
