Heart Attacks Can Occur During Activities; Beware of Unrecognized Symptoms

Heart Attacks Can Occur During Activities; Beware of Unrecognized Symptoms

A heart attack is a condition where the blood vessels that supply food to the heart muscle are blocked, known as the coronary arteries. The blockage can be caused by plaque, tears in the heart wall, fat deposits (cholesterol), blood clots, and others. Heart attack symptoms vary. Some people may complain of mild symptoms, while others report severe symptoms. There are also some people who have no symptoms at all before having a heart attack. Common heart attack symptoms are as follows:

  1. Heart pounding, also known as palpitations. This heart symptom feels like squeezing the chest.
  2. Shortness of breath

Shortness of breath is one of the most common heart symptoms. This pain is usually accompanied by a cold sweat, feeling weak, palpitations, and even fainting.

  1. Cold sweats and feeling tired easily. Dizziness or headache. These heart symptoms are caused by a decrease in blood flow due to an abnormal heart rate.
  2. There is a feeling of nausea and vomiting.
  3. left chest pain

Sufferers usually feel pain like being crushed by a heavy burden, pain, and a feeling of being squeezed or burning in the chest.

Factors that trigger a heart attack include:

  1. Age factor

The older a person is, the higher the risk of developing heart disease. Men entering the age of 45, women entering the age of 55, or women who experience early menopause (due to surgery).

  1. have a history of heart disease in the family

If one of the nuclear family members has heart disease, then other family members will also be at risk of experiencing heart symptoms.

  1. Diabetes

Diabetes can cause thickening of the walls of blood vessels so that they can block blood flow. Therefore, diabetics are at a higher risk of developing heart disease.

  1. High blood pressure (hypertension)

Hypertension can injure the artery walls and allow LDL cholesterol to enter the arterial tract, increasing plaque accumulation.

  1. Obesity (overweight)

Obesity can increase high blood pressure and fat abnormalities. It is also at risk of causing heart disease.

  1. Stress

When a person is stressed, their body secretes the hormone cortisol, which results in stiffening of the arteries. The hormone norepinephrine will cause an increase in blood pressure. So you should avoid stress at home or at work.

The following are six healthy steps to prevent heart attacks that are important for us to do, including:

  1. Check your health regularly.

Routine examination aims to control someone who has diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, or high cholesterol.

  1. Avoid smoking

Types of chemicals that receive more attention as a cause of coronary heart disease are nicotine, carbon monoxide, and oxidants.

  1. Exercise regularly

Keep practicing clean and healthy living behaviors (PHBS) by doing physical activity for at least 30 minutes every day.

  1. Manage stress

High blood pressure also arises due to the hormones released when stressed, which can lead to an increased risk of heart disease. When blood pressure is high, the blood flow becomes erratic, which interferes with the work of the heart organ. High blood pressure is said to be one of the triggering factors for heart attacks, heart failure, and strokes.

  1. Balanced diet

In an effort to reduce risk and support the healing process of degenerative diseases, including heart and blood vessel disease, the role of a healthy diet and balanced nutrition is very important to understand and apply.

  1. Get enough rest.

Adequate rest can help the body stay fit and prevent metabolic disorders.

If you experience symptoms or problems as described above, immediately consult Dr. Asep Sopandiana, M.S., who is a cardiologist and blood vessel specialist at Hermina Tasikmalaya Hospital.


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