kesehatananak, tumbuh kembang

The First Thousand Days Of Life As A Child's 'Golden Age'

Hermina's friend, having children is a gift for every parent. Of course as parents we will not miss any developments or activities carried out by children. The golden period of child development turns out to need to be prepared from the womb. Let's look at the preparations of father & mother to optimize this golden period.
The first thousand days of life start from gestation (270 days) until the child is 2 years old (730 days). The first years of life play an important role in the growth and development of a child, known as the golden period or the golden period because at this time there is rapid brain development. .
The first thing that needs to be done as a prospective father & mother is. Plan healthy meals during pregnancy. To meet the needs of healthy food, there are five food groups that need to be fulfilled in their intake, namely grains, fruits, vegetables, meat, and milk. These food groups play an important role in the process of pregnancy because they are rich in the following nutrients:
Folic acid
These nutrients are very important to consume, especially during pregnancy. Meeting the needs of folic acid is not enough through food alone. Mothers can get folic acid intake through various supplements given by obstetricians.
Iron is useful for increasing blood volume to deliver oxygen to the fetus. Daily iron needs during pregnancy can be obtained from foods such as red meat, fish, green beans, and spinach.
Omega 3 & DHA
This food source is very important in the development of the fetal brain from in the womb until birth. You can get this food source from eating fish.
Fat and oil
Fat is one of the building blocks of the fetus and placenta and acts as an energy source. You can get sources of fat and oil from foods that contain vegetable protein.
Calcium and vitamin D
Calcium and vitamin D are essential for the formation of fetal bones and teeth. Both also function to nourish the skin and eyes. Mothers can get calcium and vitamin D intake from milk and various derivative products.
The next thing after the birth of your beloved baby is how to optimize your little one's development
The first two years of life have a great influence on brain development and behavior. Giving stimulation or sensory experience will be effective during this sensitive period and play a very important role in the formation of brain nerves. Several factors that play a role are the fulfillment of nutrition, stimulation and proper parenting. In addition to brain development, at this time the acceleration of physical growth such as height is also very rapid. Of course this must be supported by the provision of proper nutrition and according to the needs of children. This is very important to prevent stunting and other developmental disorders.
Routine monitoring of children's growth and development is something that plays an important role. Monitoring of growth such as weight, body, height and head circumference as well as growth chart trends in accordance with WHO guidelines and developmental surveillance at each child's visit to health services every month is absolutely necessary at this time to support optimal growth and development.

Friends of Hermina, The First 1000 Days of Life in Children is a golden period for children. During the baby's development period, always keep your health and continue to monitor its growth so that the child grows into a healthy child and does not get sick easily. Greetings healthy
