often straining during bowel movements? hemorrhoid alert!

often straining during bowel movements? hemorrhoid alert!

Has Hermina's friend ever seen bright red blood on the tissue or in the toilet during defecation?

Has Hermina's friend ever felt discomfort and pain around the anus?

Beware it could be signs and symptoms of Hemorrhoids.


What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids or better known as hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids is a disease that can attack the human digestive tract. This disease is caused by the descent of the anal cushion to the outside of the anus. The anal cushions consist of mucosa and blood vessels so that if they decrease they can cause swelling/lumps to bleeding.

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?

1. There is a lump or swelling around the anus

2. Bloody discharge from the anus during or after defecation

3. Irritation and pain around the anus

4. Incredible itching around the anus

5. Painful bowel movements


What causes hemorrhoids?

The main cause of hemorrhoids is blockage of blood flow to the rectum or anus, causing swelling of the blood vessels in that part. This condition can be triggered by several factors, including:

• Habit of sitting too long, especially when on the toilet.

• The habit of lifting heavy weights excessively.

• The habit of straining too hard during bowel movements.

• Prolonged constipation or diarrhea


How do you prevent hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoidal disease can be prevented by avoiding risk factors or triggers for the appearance of hemorrhoids. So to avoid the occurrence of hemorrhoids can be done by adopting a healthy lifestyle by:

• Eat foods high in fiber, such as fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts. High-fiber foods can help create bulk in the intestines, which softens the stool and makes it easier to pass

• Increase fluid intake, by drinking more water. This can prevent the stool from hardening and being difficult to pass, so you don't have to strain hard when you have a bowel movement.

• Doing physical activity and regular exercise

• Avoiding the habit of sitting too long, especially on surfaces that are too hard.

• Maintain cleanliness of the anus and rectum.

• Don't hold back the urge to defecate.


If Hermina's friends have complaints related to indigestion, especially when they show signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids, immediately consult a doctor so that they can be identified correctly and get the right treatment.

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