Is Shortness of Breath a Symptom of Pneumonia?

Is Shortness of Breath a Symptom of Pneumonia?

Pneumonia, also called pneumonia, is an infection that causes inflammation in the air sacs of the lungs (alveoli). Inflammation is caused by a buildup of fluid or pus in the alveoli. This can also make people with pneumonia experience shortness of breath. So that you are more alert, let's find out the symptoms of pneumonia in more detail here.

Be Aware of Pneumonia Symptoms

Symptoms of pneumonia develop suddenly or slowly over a period of 24-48 hours. These include fever, excessive sweating, chills, cough (dry or phlegmy), shortness of breath, chest pain when inhaling or coughing, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, body weakness, and a faster heartbeat. In sufferers aged over 65 years, pneumonia appears without symptoms of fever, but the danger is accompanied by decreased consciousness.

This group of symptoms will appear when a germ infection defeats the body's immune system, causing inflammation in the lungs. Infections that often occur are caused by viral and bacterial infections in the air. Meanwhile, other infections can be caused by fungi or mycoplasma.

A person is at high risk of developing pneumonia if they are less than two years old or more than 65 years old, actively smoke, have a weak immune system (for example, people with HIV/AIDS or people undergoing chemotherapy), and suffer from chronic diseases (such as asthma or COPD ).

Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment

Pneumonia is diagnosed through pulse oximetry (measurement of oxygen levels in the blood), chest x-ray, blood tests, urine tests, and examination of phlegm samples. If the sufferer is over 65 years old and has more serious symptoms, the doctor will carry out supporting examinations in the form of a CT scan, pleural fluid culture or bronchoscopy.

People with pneumonia should be hospitalized when they are over 65 years old, they will experience decreased kidney function, low blood pressure, shortness of breath, below normal temperature and abnormal heartbeat. Or in children, it is recommended to be hospitalized if they often sleep, feel weak, short of breath, low oxygen levels and dehydration. The following are treatment options for people with pneumonia:

  • Independent care at home. These include just getting enough rest, drinking lots of fluids and not doing excessive activities.
  • Consumption of medication, such as pain relievers, cough medicine and antibiotics. This medicine is given in cases of pneumonia that are relatively mild.
  • Hospital treatment. In the form of giving antibiotics by injection, adding oxygen, and pulmonary rehabilitation. In severe cases, the sufferer is placed in an intensive care room and placed on a breathing apparatus or ventilator.

The healing process depends on the type of pneumonia, severity, and health condition of the sufferer. The length of treatment time also depends on the symptoms felt.

Young sufferers can usually return to normal activities within one week. Other sufferers may take longer and still feel tired for some time. Meanwhile, if the symptoms of pneumonia are severe, the healing time can take several weeks.

So, if a Hermina friend experiences shortness of breath, you must be alert, including one of the signs of pneumonia, immediately consult a pulmonary doctor at RSU Hermina Medan for early treatment.




WebMD. Diakses pada 2024. Pneumonia.

NHS. Diakses pada 2024. Pneumonia.

Mayo Clinic. Diakses pada 2024. Pneumonia.

Healthline. Diakses pada 2024. Everything You Need to Know About Pneumonia.

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