jantung, ctscan, kesehatan

Adjust your sports activities to your heart condition

The heart is an important organ in the body that functions to pump and circulate blood throughout the body. If the work of the heart is disturbed, the function of other organs and tissues of the body can also be impaired. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the possibility of heart disease.

Heart disease does not only attack the elderly, but also young people, which is generally caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Not infrequently, death is the worst consequence. 
In order for the heart to stay healthy we must do physical activities such as sports. This can reduce the risk of developing heart disease and can also be a means of stress relief. Do 90 - 150 minutes of physical activity or exercise each week. One way to achieve this goal is to do this activity for 30 minutes 3-5 days a week. Also adjust to your ability, don't do strenuous exercise too quickly. The principle is, the more often and routine you exercise, the healthier your heart will be.

In addition, currently there is the latest technology to detect the presence of heart disease quickly and precisely, namely CT Scan.

Computerized Tomography or CT Scan is a diagnostic method that can take pictures of blood vessels, bones, internal organs, and various structures in the body. A CT scan for the heart can help diagnose various health problems related to the heart. Currently, the use of cardiac CT scans is increasingly being carried out and has become one of the options for routine cardiac examinations. CT Scan of the heart was chosen because it is not invasive and can provide maximum information about the anatomical morphological structure of the heart and its blood vessels.

There are two types of CT Scan of the heart, namely:

CT Coronary Angiogram
This type of cardiac CT scan is used to measure blood flow to the coronary arteries. During this procedure, medical experts will inject a special dye based on Iodine into the bloodstream. The goal, to make the inside of the blood vessels look more clearly. The fluid is injected through a vein in the arm.

CT Calcium Score
Meanwhile, this type of heart CT scan is to measure levels of calcium or plaque in arteries. Usually, this examination will show calcium levels tend to be low, moderate, or even high. Unlike a CT coronary angiogram, this examination usually does not use the typical dye. So, if you have an allergy to special dyes, you don't have to worry about doing it. Similar to a CT coronary angiogram, this examination aims to find out the presence or absence of coronary heart disease. Calcium levels that are too low usually indicate the risk.

The main indication for a CT scan of the heart is to get a picture of the heart's blood vessels. From the results of this scan will be seen abnormalities such as:

Presence of plaque/calcification in the arteries of the heart
Anatomical abnormalities / shape of the blood vessels of the heart
Evaluation after cardiac vascular graft (CABG)
Evaluation after insertion of a heart ring (coronary stent)

Friends of Hermina, in addition to adopting a healthy lifestyle, namely exercising regularly, you can also perform early heart detection at Hermina Hospital Bekasi. We already have a CT – Scan 128 slices plane which is a tool
with tissue imaging technology ranging from bone to bone blood vessels, internal organs, and various structures in the body. Love your heart by doing early detection.

measure in the body. Love your heart by doing early detection.
