Your Little One Often Coughs At Night? Let's Recognize the Symptoms..

Your Little One Often Coughs At Night? Let's Recognize the Symptoms..

Hello, Hermina Bitung's best friend, does your little one like to cough at night, even though in the morning or during the day you are fine? Coughing at night can prevent your little one from sleeping well. Though the body needs a lot of rest. Actually, your little one coughs, you don't need to worry, because coughing is the body's natural way of clearing the throat and respiratory tract from germs, viruses, as well as pollution and dirt. Coughing is also often felt when you have a cold, allergies, or asthma.

What Causes a Cough at Night?

Usually experienced by coughing in children at night, namely:

• Respiratory disorders, such as asthma, COPD, bronchitis and ARI

• Tuberculosis

• Heart problems, such as heart failure or heart valve disease

• Acid reflux disease (GERD)

• Sleep apnea


Here's how to get rid of coughing at night;

1. Take a shower or bath with warm water before going to bed

Dry airways can make coughing at night worse. Taking a warm shower or bath before bed can help moisten the airways and relieve coughing.

2. Drink water or warm drinks before going to bed

So, Hermina's friends, drinking water before going to bed can help thin the mucus in the airways and relieve coughing at night. So try your little one before going to sleep to drink at least one glass of warm water. But this is specifically given by children over 1 year old.

3. Position your head higher while sleeping

Your little one sleeps in this position to help drain mucus from the nose and throat. Apart from relieving coughs caused by colds or colds, sleeping in this position can also prevent stomach acid from rising up into the throat (GERD) which can trigger coughing.


4. Air conditioning temperature adjustable

The temperature of the air conditioner is adjusted, try to use the air conditioner at 15-28c and avoid sleeping under direct air from a fan or air conditioner, to prevent the cough from getting worse.

6. Take cough medicine

Apart from the methods above, you can also take cough medicine to relieve coughing at night. Take cough medicine that suits your little one's type of cough.

5. Make sure your bed and bedding are clean

This is one of the tips to help relieve coughing at night due to allergies. Dust and mites are the most common allergy triggers. So, make sure the bedding and sleeping equipment are in a clean condition.

If the method above doesn't relieve the symptoms of coughing at night, your little one should be examined by a pediatrician, can go to Hermina Bitung Hospital with dr. Yuliana Manista Dongoran,SpA


-Healthy Greetings-

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