Abal - Abal Skincare Becomes a Cause of Vitiligo

Abal - Abal Skincare Becomes a Cause of Vitiligo

As consumers, of course we must be careful and need to educate ourselves, so as not to be tempted by low prices or instant promises from a beauty product. There are several things that can serve as guidelines in buying a product, such as recognizing your own skin type and knowing what the main complaints are that you want to address, each skin type has its own handling and a product cannot accommodate all the needs of that skin type, skincare products must also be in accordance with the level of acidity (pH) of the skin. A good product should produce a balanced pH on facial skin. Equally important is checking whether the product has received a distribution permit from the POM Agency.

Vitiligo is a disease that causes skin color to fade. Areas of faded skin usually get bigger over time. Besides being able to attack any area of ​​the skin on the body, vitiligo can also occur on the inside of the mouth, eyes, hair and genital area.

Vitiligo is classified as a non-communicable skin disease that lasts in the long term (chronic). It is estimated that 0.5–1% of people worldwide experience vitiligo. Although it can affect everyone, vitiligo generally affects the age group of 10–30 years and is more clearly seen in black people.

Vitiligo generally does not cause pain or itching, so that its presence is sometimes not realized until it attacks the easily visible parts of the skin. The size of the white patches caused by vitiligo can vary greatly. Areas that have lost pigment will spread to a larger area with an irregular shape. The condition of loss of skin color also often occurs on both sides of the body in the same place, and the hair in that area will also lose pigment.

Vitiligo Causes and Risk Factors

Skin, hair and eye color is produced by the body's pigment cells called melanin. Melanin also functions to protect the skin from sun exposure. In people with vitiligo, melanin stops producing body color or pigment. As a result, white patches appear on the skin and gray hair.

It is not yet known why melanin stops producing the body's pigment substance, but this condition is thought to be related to a number of factors as follows:

  • Inherited genetic disorders
  • Autoimmune disease, such as Graves' disease, Hashimoto's disease, or type 1 diabetes
  • Sun exposure (ultraviolet radiation)
  • Chemical exposure
  • Stress

Is there an effect of choosing wrong skincare?

As mentioned earlier, one of the factors that can trigger vitiligo is the skin's resistance to sun exposure. So, when you choose the wrong skincare product, your skin can show symptoms like being more sensitive than before. For example, if normally the skin can last a few minutes in the sun without significant symptoms, after using certain skincare products, the skin becomes more sensitive when exposed to sunlight.

Usually, skincare products that make the skin sensitive are products that contain retinoid acid. If such symptoms arise and the use of skincare is continued, the skin can potentially experience damage and lead to vitiligo. Therefore, try to be more careful in choosing skincare products that are suitable for your skin, and if your skin shows signs of not being suitable, you should stop using them as soon as possible.

That's a little explanation about the impact of using skincare errors on the risk of vitiligo. If you need more information about this condition or other health problems, don't hesitate to discuss it with your doctor.

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