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Can Dental Spa Whiten Teeth?

Sahabat Hermina, the term "spa dentistry" was used in the 18th century to describe what dentist Ms Curris did in Bath, England. It is likely that he was the pioneer of dental spas that offered dentist patients with skin and body treatments. Dental spa services began to flourish in the 1990s. In 1999, the New York Times reported that several dentists in Long Island had begun practicing massage therapy on their patients. In 2002, Lynn Watanabe, DDS founded the first dental spa association the International Dental Spa Association. He defines a dental spa as a licensed dental facility combined with skin and body treatments and massage.

One of the reasons for the increasing interest in dental spas is the anxiety and fear of visiting the dentist and avoiding routine dental care. The scientific study of fear yielded a finding that treatment can be successful for fearful patients using behavioral methods. The dental spa concept, which generally emphasizes the cosmetic side, is considered to be a pampering and enjoyable experience for dentist patients.

What is Dental Spa?

Dental spa is an act of care for teeth and gums. The aim is to prevent, maintain and treat by removing/disposing of biofilm, stains, tartar on natural teeth, dental/denture restorations and implants. Don't forget to check your teeth at least once every 6 months. 

The purpose of having a dental spa is to increase the patient's self-confidence by having healthy, clean and beautiful teeth. The first action performed in a dental spa is scaling or cleaning tartar. 

Benefits of Dental Spa

Actually, the benefits of dental spa are generally the same as doing conventional dental care. Here are some of the benefits: 

  • Cleaning teeth from various dirt as well as tartar whose presence is often not realized.
  • Caring for and maintaining healthy teeth.
  • Keeping tooth enamel from being eroded by the many types of food and drink that can damage the tooth enamel.
  • Improve the beauty or aesthetics of teeth, so that a person can be more confident.
  • Detect cavities early, so that the risk of oral health problems due to cavities can be minimized. 

In addition, according to dentistry experts, dental spas make patients more relaxed, thus making the risk of injury smaller and easier to handle. Especially when compared to conventional dental treatment patients who tend to be tense when undergoing treatment. Interestingly, dental spas are also considered more suitable for patients with certain conditions. For example, such as being easily stressed, or sensitive to drugs and/or phobias of pain. 

Stages of Dental Spa

  • Scaling, useful for cleaning food particles, cleaning tartar, preventing tooth discoloration, avoiding gingivitis, and ultimately preventing tooth loss.
  • Polishing of teeth (polishing) using a special polishing agent that can lighten the color of the teeth.
  • Spraying water+special powder with high pressure using air flow.
  • Fluoridation, namely administration of fluoride to prevent cavities.
  • Jaw massage.

Well, dental spas actually don't exist in the world of dentistry. In a way, this is classified as a trend, following the beauty trend that is developing in society. However, a dental spa series must still be carried out according to standard dental care by an experienced dentist. Salam sehat.
