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Stop Bullying Children! 7 Effective Ways to Overcome Bullying

Recently, there has been a lot of news about child bullying in the media. Of course, this is troubling and makes parents sad. Especially if it turns out that their child is a victim or perpetrator of bullying.

Bullying or bullying is not trivial or natural. This behavior has a negative impact on the mental and physical health of children. Academic achievement and social life can also be destroyed by bullying. Some are depressed and even commit suicide.


7 Ways to Overcome Child Bullying

Child bullying is not just physical violence. The forms can be verbal (such as mockery and threats), social, sexual, or cyber.In the internet era, cyber bullying often occurs through social media. Therefore, efforts from various parties are needed to jointly prevent and overcome the problem of bullying.

For parents, you can take the following actions as a preventive and curative effort to deal with bullying:

  1. Children with an understanding of bullying

The first thing you can do to prevent bullying is to educate your child about what bullying is. What is bullying behavior, its types, and how to avoid it so that they do not become victims or perpetrators? Including what steps and actions to take if you see a bullying incident in the vicinity.

  1. Teach Children to Be Courageous Against Bullying

Fighting does not mean retaliating with violence or verbal action. Fighting child bullying can be done by ignoring or leaving the bully.

If you don't have to, it's better to avoid fighting and seek help. It's not teaching to be cowardly, but it's a safe option to prevent violent injuries that might result from a fight.

If necessary, equip children with self-defense knowledge. Not to show off, but to be in self-defense when the situation is pressed. In addition, teach children to have the courage to report acts of bullying when they are victims or witnesses.

  1. Build children's confidence

Children who look weak, insecure, and lacking self-confidence are often the targets of bullying by their friends. Therefore, it is very important for parents to teach confidence to their children. For example, teaching eye contact when dealing with other people, walking upright (not looking down or looking arrogant), speaking in a firm and clear tone.

  1. Be sensitive to the child's feelings and provide support.

If your child is already a victim of bullying, the first thing parents should do is talk to them. Show your care and sensitivity through words and actions. Give full and sincere support so that the child feels protected.

To find out what kind of treatment a child bullying victim needs, it is important to immediately get his physical and psychological condition checked by an expert. Bullying can be traumatic, so don't leave your child alone. Encourage children to do fun activities to reduce their sadness and fear.

  1. Fulfill children's love and psychological needs.

Children who get less attention or an abundance of love from their parents tend to act to get attention. Moreover, if they often get harsh treatment or are labeled negatively, they will have the potential to become bullies.

Therefore, be a parent who can be a role model and create a loving environment at home. Teach children to have empathy and compassion for others. That way, they will not behave unkindly or maliciously towards their friends.

  1. Help Bullies Recognize Their Mistakes and Stop Their Bad Behavior

If your child becomes the abuser, don't just scold him, accept him as a child who must be protected. It may be that the child does not think that the consequences of his behavior can be so serious. For the perpetrator, this can also cause inner turmoil.

Accompany children to face the consequences of their actions. Help the child to have a new understanding and not repeat his bad behavior again. Instill moral and religious-based education so that children grow into individuals who have positive characteristics.

  1. Synergize in Building an Anti-Bullying Community

Stopping bullying is effective if it involves many parties and synergizes with each other. Establishing an anti-bullying community is one way that can be done in the home or school environment to deal with bullying.

The parties involved in the community include: students, teachers, school principals, parents, school staff, student shuttle drivers, school doctors, and canteen guards. With many parties joining the community and helping each other, efforts to combat bullying can be achieved.

Through the community, it can increase awareness about child bullying among parents. If a child becomes a victim of bullying, parents and teachers immediately conduct an investigation to prevent bullying from happening again and think about how to solve it.

Teachers and students can also collaborate in conducting anti-bullying campaigns. For example, by making a poster to stop bullying. These posters and pictures can be hung on the walls of the school or classroom as a reminder for children not to bully.

Stop bullying children now with the ways above. Parents, children, and schools must work together to prevent and stop bullying from becoming more disturbing.
