neurologi, stroke, saraf, gejala stroke, pembuluhdarahotak, penyakitsaraf

Stroke can strike regardless of age

Stroke is a health condition that can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender. A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is disrupted or cut off so that brain cells do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients to carry out their vital functions. Without an adequate blood supply, brain cells can be damaged or die, which can lead to neurological disorders and even death.

There are two common types of stroke: ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. Ischemic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain is blocked by a blood clot or arterial plaque, while hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures and causes bleeding.

Common symptoms of stroke that often occur and can be seen physically include:

  • Face (face): the face may fall to one side, the person may not be able to smile, or the mouth or eyes may droop.
  • Arms (arms): the person suspected of having had a stroke may not be able to raise both arms and hold them up. This is because the stroke has caused weakness or numbness in one arm.
  • Speech (way of speaking): speech sounds slurred or garbled, or the person may not be able to speak at all despite appearing awake. In addition, it may also be difficult to understand what you say.

Risk factors that can increase a person's likelihood of having a stroke include old age, hypertension, smoking, diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol levels, physical inactivity, family history of stroke, and certain medical conditions such as heart arrhythmias and coronary artery disease.

Although strokes are more common in older people, they can also occur in young people. Strokes can occur in people of all ages, including children and adolescents. Some of the risk factors that increase the likelihood of stroke in young people include smoking, alcohol abuse, obesity, and the use of illegal drugs.

In addition, several medical conditions can increase the risk of stroke in young people, such as blood clotting disorders, migraine with aura, congenital heart disease, and infectious infections such as meningitis or endocarditis.

It is important to remember that strokes can happen to anyone, and even people who appear healthy can have strokes. Therefore, everyone needs to know the risk factors for stroke and take appropriate preventive measures, such as adopting a healthy lifestyle, monitoring blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and consulting a doctor if any symptoms or medical conditions may increase the risk of stroke. To not continue, if you experience these symptoms, Friends of Hermina can consult Hermina Purwokerto RSU.

To make it easier to access services & registration at Hermina Purwokerto Hospital, here's how:

  1.  Download the mobile application on Playstore (Type Hello Hermina) 
  2. Contact Call Center 1500488
  3. Through the website -> 
  4. Through the Halodoc application
