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Are We Using the Right Toothbrush?

Hello Hermina Friends,

Brushing our teeth is an activity that we routinely do every day, so that the health of our teeth and mouth is well maintained. When choosing the wrong toothbrush, of course cleaning your teeth is not optimal and might actually cause interference.

Along with the development of time and technology, more and more various types of toothbrushes are the people's choice. Not everyone is aware that the toothbrush they use is not suitable for their mouth and does not clean optimally. Therefore, it is important to choose the right toothbrush and will be used every day because sometimes we forget to consider whether or not the toothbrush we choose is safe, because we are more interested in its attractive model.

For that, let's understand more deeply how to choose a toothbrush that is good and right and of course safe for the health of our teeth.
1. Toothbrush Size
Adjust the size of the toothbrush according to age, for children under five do not get used to using an adult toothbrush because it does not match the contours of the child's teeth and mouth, choose a children's toothbrush with fine bristles and has a small toothbrush head size.

If you have a large jaw and teeth, a square brush head shape with more bristles will be more suitable for cleaning the entire surface of your teeth. Conversely, if you have a small jaw, the shape of an oval brush head with a narrow end will be able to reach the entire surface of the teeth down to the very back of the teeth. Choose a brush that is the most comfortable shape and size for your teeth and mouth.
2. Toothbrush Bristle Texture.
Please note that hard bristles (hard) function to clean the most optimal teeth. However, if you are not careful, the hard bristles can actually injure the gums, causing pain.

In addition, it is feared that the hard bristles can damage the function of the gums, so that the teeth become sensitive and prone to caries on the roots of the teeth.

Toothbrushes labeled with medium bristles are generally used for those who do not have problems with healthy teeth and gums. While the soft bristle label is used for those who are prone to experiencing sensitive teeth or bleeding gums.If you use a toothbrush with medium or even hard bristles, the risk of experiencing damage or interference with the gums is higher.
In fact, erosion of the protective layer of tooth enamel can also occur, especially if you use a hard toothbrush
3. Toothbrush Handle
Don't forget to pay attention to the toothbrush handle, there are several parts made of rubber or plastic. Choose what is comfortable as long as your hands are holding and not slippery. Straight handles make it easier for you to control the movement of the toothbrush, while curved handles make it easier to hold and help the brush head reach the corners of your mouth.
4.Toothbrush Handle
Don't forget to pay attention to the toothbrush handle, there are several parts made of rubber or plastic. Choose what is comfortable as long as your hands are holding and not slippery. Straight handles make it easier for you to control the movement of the toothbrush, while curved handles make it easier to hold and help the brush head reach the corners of your mouth.
5.Bamboo Toothbrush
Along with the increasingly intense Go Green movement in everyday life, bamboo toothbrushes are an alternative, especially in an effort to reduce plastic waste. Bamboo toothbrushes have natural antimicrobial properties that can effectively limit the growth of bacteria. When brushing your teeth, you clean your mouth not only because of the toothpaste used, but also the handle of a bamboo toothbrush helps in fighting various microbes on your teeth. In addition, the antimicrobial properties of bamboo toothbrushes make it easier for you to store your toothbrush than plastic toothbrushes.
6. Wash Toothbrush
Clean the toothbrush directly under running water after use and make sure it's clean and there's no dirt or toothpaste residue left so it doesn't get moldy and cause germs
Tips for choosing and caring for a toothbrush are an effort to maintain healthy teeth from an early age, including:

- Carry out proper storage with the toothbrush head positioned at the top and stored in a clean container

- Avoid boiling or heating the toothbrush to kill bacteria as this will only damage the toothbrush

- Never share toothbrushes with other people

- Replace your toothbrush every 3 months

If you have problems with oral and dental health, don't delay having a consultation with the Dentist at the Hospital. In addition, don't forget to check your teeth to the dentist at least once every 6 months so that dental and oral health is always maintained.

Healthy Greetings 
