tumbuh kembang anak, klinik tumbuh kembang

Stages in Optimizing Children's Growth

The stages of child development are divided into two. Growth is a physical change that can be measured; Development is the increase in the ability of the structure and function of the body to be more complex.

Infancy is often referred to as the golden period. In the age period 0-5 years, there is a rapid increase in the growth and development of toddlers. Find out more about how to optimize toddler golden period


Little One's Growth and Development

Growth is a change that is quantitative, measurable, and occurs physically. Your little one's growth can be monitored by measuring height, weight, head circumference, and other age-appropriate measurements with certain standardized measuring instruments. While development is the increase in the ability of more complex body structures and functions, for example, your child can walk or talk. Development can be observed from the way he plays, learns, talks, and behaves.

Growth and development is influenced by internal and external factors. Internal factors include gender, racial differences, age, genetics, and chromosomes. While external factors include the state of the social environment, economy, nutrition, and psychological stimulation.

The golden period of the Little One takes place in the age range of 0-5 years. This age is the initial phase of your child's growth and development and will affect the next phase. At this time, mothers must be more careful to get optimal results and prevent abnormalities as early as possible.
Stimulation of Little One's Brain Development
Stimulation of brain tissue is very important during the golden period of the little one. The more stimulation you give your little one, the brain tissue will develop up to 80% by the age of 3 years. On the other hand, if your child is never given enough stimulation, his brain tissue will shrink so that brain function will decrease. This is what causes the development of the little one to be hampered. Lack of stimulation in your child can affect the development of brain intelligence, developmental deviations, and even permanent developmental disorders. Here are the stages of stimulation according to the age of the little one:
Age 0 - 4 Months
Often hugs and cuddles with love. Hang brightly colored objects that move and your little one can see. Encourage your little one to smile, talk, and listen to music.

Age 4-6 Months
Often on your little one's stomach. Move the object left and right, in front of his eyes. Listen to various sounds. Give toys big and colorful objects.

Age 6-12 Months
Teach your little one to sit, play peek-a-boo, teach them to hold and eat biscuits, teach them to hold small objects with 2 fingers, stand and walk holding hands, talk as often as possible, practice saying ma.. ma.. pa. Pa, give me a toy that's safe to hit.

Age 1 - 2 Years
Teach them to walk on the steps/stairs, ask them to clean the table and sweep, invite them to clean up toys, teach them to scribble on paper, teach them to name their body parts, read children's stories, invite them to sing, invite them to play

Age 2 - 3 Years
Teach them to dress themselves, invite them to see picture books, read children's stories, teach them to eat on their own plates, teach them to wash their hands, teach them to defecate and urinate in their place.

Age 3 - 5 Years
Ask your little one to tell what he is doing, listen to him when he talks, if he stutters, teach him to speak slowly, supervise your little one when trying new things.
The principles of stimulating your little one's growth and development
Below are some principles of stimulating children's growth and development:

Principle of Stimulation

1. Done when the child is happy, not hungry or sleepy

2. Performed on 4 aspects of development

3. Do it consistently, starting from the abilities you already have.

4. Use age-appropriate play tools
The process of growth and development in children is influenced by internal and external factors. Internal factors include gender, racial differences, age, genetics, and chromosomes. While the external factors include the state of the social environment, economy, nutrition, and psychological stimulation.


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