Stages of Growth and Development for Children Aged 1-3 Years, Come on, Check Out the Information!

Stages of Growth and Development for Children Aged 1-3 Years, Come on, Check Out the Information!

Every parent has the important task of monitoring their child's growth and development stages. The aim of monitoring a child's growth and development is to find out how far your beloved child is developing and also to help find any abnormalities during the child's growth period so that they can be detected early. 

Let's look at the stages of child growth and development according to age as follows: 

    Child growth and development stages 0-12 months (1 year)

The growth of a 1 year old child can be seen from the body weight which has reached approximately three times the birth weight and the height has increased by about half of the length when the baby was born. The development of 1 year old children in terms of gross and fine motor function includes being able to stand up straight and walk slowly without help. Apart from that, children can also get up independently, can pick up nearby objects and hold objects in their hands and put them in containers and can imitate the movements of the people around them. The development of the cognitive function and language abilities of children aged 1 year, namely that children can start throwing the ball and think about what happens afterwards. Children can also respond when other people ask questions. In terms of social function abilities, children can already respond to other people's words by smiling, laughing or waving their hands.
Child growth and development stages 12-24 months (2 years)

When a child reaches the age of 2 years, the child will experience an increase in weight of 1.5-2.5 KG and an increase in height of around 10-13 cm. In terms of the development of gross and fine motor skills, children can kick a ball, jog and climb stairs slowly and can open books and arrange objects. In terms of cognitive and language abilities, 2 year old children can already recognize time differences and do things according to the instructions of those closest to them. In terms of social function and communication skills, children already have self-confidence

    Child growth and development stages 24-36 months (3 years)

During the growth period of children aged 3 years, it is more likely to occur in the child's height so that parents usually think their child is thin. At this age, children generally have complete milk teeth. In terms of gross and fine motor skills, children can run, jump and go up and down stairs independently and draw shapes. In terms of cognitive function and language, it appears that he can put together puzzles and understand more than 1 instruction at once. In terms of social function and communication skills, he can show independence such as picking up cutlery and taking off clothes. 

So that children can grow and develop optimally, parents must monitor their child's growth and development according to their age. If there are symptoms of stunted growth and development, immediately consult a pediatrician to get the right treatment. Healthy greetings
Reference : 

- Very Well Family. 2024. Baby's First Year Guide.

- Grow By Web MD. Accessed 2024. Baby Development: Your 10 Month Old.

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