nyeri, klinik nyeri

Did you know that pain can be assessed?

Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with tissue damage or impending tissue damage. Clinical manifestations of pain often arise in pathological processes, affecting pain sensory nerves and producing uncomfortable reactions. 


One form of persistent pain is chronic pain, where pain signals are continuously sent to the nerves over a prolonged period of time. Normal sensations that persist for more than a few months can be categorized as chronic pain. It is important to recognize that chronic pain not only has a serious impact on the patient's physical condition but also has an impact on the patient's mental state. Therefore, proper management of pain is crucial to maintaining the patient's health.


How can pain be assessed?

Pain assessment is important to determine the intensity and determine effective therapy. Pain should be assessed as early as possible. Assessment of pain intensity can be measured using various methods, one of which is the VAS (Visual Analogue Scale). This VAS scale is easy to use for anyone and is more efficient and easy for patients to understand. The visual analog scale (VAS) is the most widely used measurement method for assessing pain. This scale visually describes the gradation of pain values experienced by a patient. The pain range is represented by a 10-cm line, with a mark at each centimeter. The left end represents no pain, while the mark on the right represents the worst pain (unbearable pain).





  • Point 0 is no pain. 
  • 1 to 2 is pain that does not interfere with activity (mild pain).
  • 3 to 4 is pain that somewhat interferes with activity (moderate pain).
  • 5 to 6 is pain that has interfered with activity (severe pain).
  • 7 to 8 is pain that greatly interferes with activity (very severe pain).
  • 9 to 10 is pain that is unbearable so that you cannot do activities (unbearable pain).


However, if the pain experienced has started to interfere with your activities, immediately consult Hermina Hospital Bogor to get pain treatment. The pain clinic of RS Hermina Bogor serves pain cases such as:

  • Neck and head pain
  • Back pain or low back pain
  • Shoulder, elbow, and hand pain
  • Knee pain or knee osteoarthritis
  • and other cases of pain.


Therefore, pain is not just an unpleasant experience but can be measured for effective treatment. Knowing how to measure the level of pain can help us know when is the right time to consult immediately in order to get the right treatment to overcome the pain we suffer.
