Never Pregnant? Check Out the Following Description!

Infertility is a condition where a husband and wife are unable to get pregnant for at least one year, have regular sexual intercourse without using contraception, or commonly known as primary infertility.

This condition can affect both men and women, and affects about 10-15% of couples worldwide. Infertility is becoming more and more common as we age and modern lifestyles can affect fertility.

Infertility can have a significant impact on a couple's life, including stress, depression, and problems in relationships. However, with advances in medical technology, there are many treatment options available to help couples experiencing infertility achieve pregnancy.

we'll look at the factors that cause infertility, how to diagnose this condition, and the treatment options available to help couples who are having trouble getting pregnant.

There are many factors that can cause infertility in both men and women, including:

1. Reproductive problems in men: such as low sperm count, poor motility or erection problems.

2. Reproductive problems in women: such as hormonal imbalance, endometriosis, ovulation disorders or structural abnormalities in the reproductive system.

3. Lifestyle factors: such as smoking, drinking alcohol or using drugs can affect fertility in both men and women.

4. Age factor: female fertility tends to decline with age, especially after the age of 35.

5.Environmental factors: exposure to toxic chemicals, radiation or environmental pollution can affect fertility.

Infertility treatment options depend on the cause. Some treatment options include:

Medications: drugs can be used to regulate the menstrual cycle in women or increase sperm production in men.

Surgery: in some cases, surgery may be performed to correct structural problems in the reproductive system.

Assisted reproductive techniques (TRB): TRB includes in vitro fertilization (IVF), intrauterine insemination (IUI). This technique can help couples with reproductive problems to get pregnant.

Alternative medicine: some people try alternative medicine, such as acupuncture or herbal supplements, to increase fertility. However, the effectiveness of this method has not been scientifically proven


That's some information about infertility. If you or your partner is having difficulty getting pregnant, immediately consult with our obstetricians at Ubaya Hospital to get the right diagnosis and treatment.
